- Pro
NUMAPROF is a NUMA memory profliler based on Pintool to track your remote memory accesses.
Additional C++11 Random Distributions
Collection of Summer 2025 tech internships!
dotnet-sdk versions HomeBrew Tap
Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) implementation used by Visual Studio
A lightweight, customizable single-page personal portfolio website template built with JavaScript and Sass
How can we foster community and creativity in an age where impersonal Zoom connections have become the norm? Enter StoryTeller - a fast-paced game that brings out the creative side of players.
Android application to preview both front and rear cameras simultaneously. The application uses Camera2 API to get previews from cameras.
An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever provides a unified interface for retrieving frame and meta data from an input media file.
cjpark87 / rdt-scan
Forked from medic/rdt-captureImage capture and interpretation of Rapid Diagnostic Test results using OpenCV
A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.
Wrapper to expose Kinect for Windows v2 API in Python