ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ MIT license Open Source
You can call this as an Auto Filter Bot if you like :D Bot simply search for the files from provided channel according to given query and gives link to those files as buttons! How to use the bot Add user account to your channel ! Add bot to group with admin rights. Deploy the bot. Once deployed and bot is started, send a message to channel (must do step) Bot will work now :)
Thanks to InfotelGroup and Erich Daniken for the video
Any bugs or errors or suggestions, report at TroJanzSupport Installation Deploy to Heroku Deploy
Deploy in your vps git clone https://github.com/TroJanzHEX/Auto-Filter-Bot cd Auto-Filter-Bot pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py Configs TG_BOT_TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather
APP_ID - From my.telegram.org (or @UseTGXBot)
API_HASH - From my.telegram.org (or @UseTGXBot)
TG_USER_SESSION - A pyrogram user session string. Generate by clicking here
MAINCHANNEL_ID - Obtain ID of Channel by forwarding a message from your channel to ChannelIDHEXbot
And as always,