Command shortcut to debug process on research device
Install libimobiledevice
brew install libimobiledevice
Ensure you have following commands available:
, built-in on macOSiproxy
from libusbmuxdideviceinstaller
from libimobiledevicelldb
of course, from either Xcode orbrew install llvm
Those commands should be available on Linux as well.
- Install OpenSSH
Add following configuration to
on your host machineHost ios StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null ProxyCommand=inetcat 22 User mobile
ssh-copy-id ios
From now, you can simply run
ssh ios
to access your research device
Grab a copy of debugserver
and save to /var/root/debugserver
on your research device.
For iOS < 16, find the DDI image from, usually located at
Mount the image and find
For iOS >= 16, make a copy from your device at path
(or other location you prefer) -
Push the entitlement xml from this project to your device
scp entitlements.plist ios:/tmp
Resign the binary with
:ldid -S/tmp/entitlements.plist /usr/libexec/debugserver
sudo ln -s $(pwd)/ /usr/local/bin/ios-debug
ios-debug -h
for help
- Attach to process by name:
ios-debug SpringBoard
- Attach to process by PID:
ios-debug 1234
- Debug app by bundle ID:
ios-debug --app
- Use an alternative debugserver:
ios-debug --server /path/to/debugserver SpringBoard
The setup supports wireless connection too, but need to add options for ideviceinstaller
and iproxy
to make it work.