An interface to do asynchronous jobs in a Magento system using the Zend Server Job Queue
satynos / rjcrop
Forked from jschwindt/rjcropSample Rails app for image cropping using Paperclip and Jcrop
An interface to do asynchronous jobs in a Magento system using the Zend Server Job Queue
Sinatra Extension for working with DataMapper (another Sinatra-Sequel Rip-off)
An example Rails 2.3 web app with subdomains and authentication (using Devise). With a tutorial.
ActiveRecord/ActiveModel's like interface for Lucene
NOTICE: official repository moved to
Backwards compatibility plugin for jQuery 1.3 (to be used with jQuery 1.4).
Rails plugin to conveniently handle multiple models in a single form.
A Jetty server with Solr embedded and configured, ready to use with acts_as_solr_reloaded
myabc /
Forked from cmer/isitjrubyIs it jruby - an application for keeping track of which gems are jruby compatible
Adds Xapian full-text search based on Xapit to Spree
An alternative for generating temporary files with Ruby
Organise ActiveRecord model into a tree structure
Various ways to handle multi-model forms in Rails.
Rails ActionView / RJS Helper to work with dynamically adding removing partials for working with accepts_nested_attributes_for
sthapit / vestal_versions
Forked from laserlemon/vestal_versionsvestal_versions with added :only and :except options
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
lassej / fleximage
Forked from AlexJWayne/fleximageRails plugin for uploading images as resources, with support for resizing, text stamping, and other special effects. Fork: dynamic image storage format.
Add javascript variables and objects to rails projects without ugly js-erb stuffed in views.