Tags: sauerbraten/p1xbraten
- misc anticheat server fixes (#71, #72, #73) - bump EOS SDK version to v1.16.1 - misc upstream ENet fixes - SVN r6856: - specchat server variable, set to 1 to broadcast teamchat between specs (only) - better ammobarhideempty behavior - isspectator returns player1's state when used without argument - new edit commands selchildcount & selchildmat
- fixes some checkboxes in the options menu - adds the `#specmute` remote variable: when 1, spectators can't send any chat messages - adds the `#tourney [MM:[SS]]` remote command, which is the same as `#competitive`, but also enables specmute for the next match
- fixes the fullbright options in the options GUI - when usep1xbratenmenus is 0, the vanilla serverbrowser and scoreboard are now used - adds the fullscreenmonitor variable: specifies on which display the game runs on when in fullscreen mode, 0 being the primary display - adds the getnummonitors command: returns the number of connected displays - adds the getmonitorname <id> command: returns the name of the monitor with the specified index - misc updates from SVN
- updates Epic SDK to version 1.15.4 - adds a search field to serverbrowser using the new `filterservers` variable - adds the `setfont <name>` command - adds the `getip <cn>`, `ban <ip> <minutes>`, `unban <ip>`, and `listbans` remote commands (admin-only) - adds `replacetex` and `replacetexsel` from SVN in favor of the earlier `replacetex` p1xbraten command - adds the `serverbotbalanceearly` server variable (useful for pub ictf etc.) - fixes lots of small things
- adds a message with server information at the beginning of a demo - server now reports mod ID 9 via extinfo (previously assigned to waiter) - adds anticheat support: - adds `-e` command-line flag to enable anti-cheat functionality - adds launch scripts that use this flag - adds `forceanticheatclient` server variable - adds read-only `anticheatenabled` variable - allow setting match time in `competitive` remote command: `#competitive 5:00` - fix timestamp roll-over in server logs - fix bugs in clien-side demo recording: - remove buggy `recordclientdemo 1` to schedule recording for next match (use `recordclientdemonext = [mapstart = [recordclientdemo 2; mapstart = []]]` instead) - omit certain packets (e.g. auth or anticheat related) from demo - allow recording coop edit sessions (EXPERIMENTAL) - fix recording when match is paused at the beginning