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Let you exploit Tailwind in React more powerful


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Let you exploit Tailwind in React more powerful

Getting Started


  1. yarn add @daldalso/tailwind-base
  2. npx tailwind-base globals.css (You should replace globals.css with the path of a proper Tailwind CSS file which contains something like @tailwind base;.)
  3. Add <TailwindBaseInitializer /> to your root component.
  4. Update your Tailwind config file like below:
    import buildTailwindBaseTransformer from "@daldalso/tailwind-base/transformer";
    export default {
      content: {
        files: [
          /* ... */
        transform: buildTailwindBaseTransformer()
    If your content field is an array, move the array into content.files to set content.transform.

After the installation, you can call the default function c from @daldalso/tailwind-base to merge Tailwind classes like below:

import { useState } from "react";
import c from "@daldalso/tailwind-base";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [ blue, setBlue ] = useState(true);

  // The className goes to `text-center text-blue`.
  return <div className={c("text-center text-red", blue && "text-blue")}>
    Hello, <span className={c("font-bold")}>World</span>!
export default MyComponent;

Implicit Mergence

In TypeScript, you can also merge the classes without explicitly calling c. All you have to do is setting jsxImportSource in your tsconfig.json to @daldalso/tailwind-base.

After that, you can rewrite the above code like this:

import { useState } from "react";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [ blue, setBlue ] = useState(true);

  // The className goes to `text-center text-blue`.
  return <div c={["text-center text-red", blue && "text-blue"]}>
    Hello, <span c="font-bold">World</span>!
export default MyComponent;


You can group classes with an object whose keys are Tailwind variants like below:

<button c={[
  "bg-red font-normal",
    hover: "bg-blue font-bold",
    '[&:hover>b]': enlarging && "scale-150"
  Hello, <b>World</b>!

The button's classes will be bg-red font-normal hover:bg-blue hover:font-bold and [&:hover>b]:scale-150 if enlarging is true.


You should not set values of the object dynamically, just as Tailwind prevents you from setting class name dynamically.

const boldStyle = "font-bold";

c(`hover:${boldStyle}`); // Prevented by Tailwind
c(isBold ? "hover:font-bold" : "hover:font-normal"); // Fine

c({ hover: boldStyle }); // Prevented by tailwind-base
c({ hover: c("font-bold") }); // Prevented by tailwind-base
c({ hover: isBold ? "font-bold" : "font-normal" }); // Fine


  • You have to run npx tailwind-base globals.css whenever you update your Tailwind config file to let tailwind-base merge the updated classes correctly.


Let you exploit Tailwind in React more powerful







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  • JavaScript 87.8%
  • TypeScript 12.2%