Awesome Logseq extensions and resources created by the community <3
- 🎨 CSS Themes
- 🔌 Plugins
- 🤝 Third Party Integrations
- 📚 Guides and How-tos
- 💡 Workflows and Innovations
- 🔍 Other Resources
- 🌱 Community Knowledge Gardens
- logseq-cusgit-theme By mendax1234
- logseq-dracula By SlyBouhafs
- logseq_ono-sendai By Cannibalox
- logseq-dark-hpx By Cannibalox
- LogseqxRoam By Yash
- Base16-logseq By Nikdoof
- logseq-bujo-theme by PiotrSss & stdword, inspired by Bullet Journals ☕️
- logseq-clean-themes By PiotrSss
- another logseq-dracula (more orange than pink) By akhater
- Harmony-theme-for-Logseq By DubininDmitry
- Logseq Gruvbox By @TallGuyJenks
- logseq-clean-themes-alt a fork of logseq-clean-themes By pengx17
- Logseq Base16 Atelier Forest By Denaro
- logseq-bonofix-theme By Sansui233
- logseq-dev-theme By pengx17
- Cobra by santiyounger
- Enhanced Dark Theme by mschmidtkorth
- logseq-default-dark-0-saturation by LeonWong0609
- Logseq Bear Theme by Alexander Rink
- Logseq All Day theme by tobealive
- Logseq Textbook Theme by joeykhuang
- Logseq Woz Theme by haydenull
- Simple Dark Theme by flowerornament
- Simple Parametric Theme by flowerornament
- logseq-developer-theme by UNICKCHENG
- Catppuccin by griimick
- Logseq-Nord-Theme by Bad3r
See and filter to Themes
for a full list
- loglink by hankhank10 - Send content from mobile apps like Telegram to your Logseq graph
- logseq-habit-tracker By c6p - Track habits from daily journal pages
- logseq-plugin-heatmap By pengx17 - Activity heatmap based on Journal Pages
- logseq-hypothesis By c6p - Get annotations into logseq
- logseq-plugin-mark-map By vipzhicheng - Add markmap support to Logseq
- logseq-plugin-copy-ref-to-journal By vipzhicheng - Copy any page blocks ref to today's journal page
- logseq-plugin-lock By vipzhicheng - Lock block with your password, and only can unlock with your password
- logseq-plugin-comment-block By vipzhicheng - An automatic block comment history workflow
- Highlighters for Logseq Plugin By DenaroCF - Add more colors for highlight in Logseq using slash commands
- tools and plugins for logseq By cannibalox
- Eisenhover matrix for Logseq By cannibalox
- custom columns/cards view (kanban) By cannibalox
- Table of Contents for pages By mschmidtkorth - See all of your headings for the current page and quickly navigate
- logseq-plugin-link-prerview by pengx17 - add external link preview using OpenGraph metadata
- logseq-plugin-tabs by pengx17 - A Logseq plugin which lets you open pages in tabs like working in the browser
- logseq-plugin-markdown-table by haydenull - Logseq markdown table editor
- logseq-logseq-plugin-browser by haydenull - Logseq browser plugin
- logseq-plugin-milestone by haydenull - Show milestone in calendar
- logseq-memos-sync by EINDEX - Sync Memos to logseq
- logseq13-full-house by stdword — Logseq Templates you will really love ❤️
- logseq-plugin-bullet-threading by pengx17 - Add bullet threading to your active blocks in Logseq
- logseq-jira by adyscorpius - Update Jira ticket details in your active blocks in Logseq.
See and filter to Plugins
for a full list
These are integrations that are officially supported by the third party:
- Readwise - Provides Logseq plugin to export Readwise highlights to Logseq
- Matter - Provides Logseq plugin to sync Matter highlights with Logseq
- SamePage - Provides Logseq plugin to sync your graph with SamePage notebooks
- Snipd - Mobile app that exports Snipd podcast notes to Logseq
- Omnivore - Provides Logseq plugin to fetch Omnivore articles and highlights
- NeuraCache - Mobile app that provides additional flashcard and spaced repetition functionality on Logseq graphs
- 五彩 - Provides Logseq plugin to export WuCai highlights to Logseq
- An introduction to Logseq By Ed (Tech and Travel with Ed)
- Logseq Update Video
- How I use Logseq Daily
- Logseq Update for Local File Storage
- Roam Research Best Free Alternative Logseq By Santi Younger
- How I'm Using Logseq For My DevLog & Technical Notes By @tallguyjenks
- Making Obsidian play nice with Logseq By Luhmann
- Bookmarklets that copy webpage title + URL+ selection to md/org formats, convenient for pasting to logseq
- Publish your notes as site
- ✨Logseq Demo Graph✨: Quick start Logseq graph to find your way around the app. Learn about blocks, pages, internal links, references, graphs, formatting, plugins, advanced tips and tricks, working with media files, and publishing your graph online
- Lupin By akhater - Supercharge LogSeq with this Telegram chatbot - Flashcards | Brainmaps | Hypothesis Annotations | Quick entries | TODO | Bookmarks | Images upload and more
- logseq-tools By PiotrSss - calendars, themes and more
- logseq-encrypt-ui By Kanru - encrypt and decrypt all the files
- logseq-snippets By Greg - custom queries, code snippets, RSS feeds, and other extensions of the Logseq platform
- logseq-zotero By Aljedaxi - rudimentary means of exporting a zotero library to logseq
- gcal2logseq By Will - Python Script + Alfred Workflow to add Google Calendar events into your graph
- keep2log By lugenx - CLI tool that converts Google Keep Takeout files to Logseq journal entries, allowing you to migrate your notes from Google Keep to the Logseq note-taking app.
- todoist2logseq By Will - Bash Script + Alfred Workflow to import tasks from Todoist into your graph
- org-logseq By ansmirnov - A script for navigating and editing logseq files using emacs
- org-logseq By llcc - Another elisp package to work with logseq when using emacs
- webapp to local asset folder By lezuber - A small python script for logseq webapp users that want to switch to the local version. It downloads all images to the local /assets folder
- dayone2logseq-md By mhejda - Python script for batch conversion of DayOne JSON-exported journals into Logseq-friendly Markdown files
- Yarle By akosbalasko - Yarle(Yet Another Rope Ladder from Evernote) is a cross-platform desktop tool that converts Evernote notebooks into Markdown format supporting Logseq dialect comprehensively
- LogLink - Send text, images and locations from mobile via Telegram (and soon other platforms) to your graph
- dly - Create a daily note directly from the command line
- fireSeqSearch - Extension that displays logseq results alongside google ones
- logseq-copilot - Chrome extension that display logseq results next to google ones
- logseqtemplates - Browse, share and download community templates. Sharing is done through the plugin
- logseq-guide - Self hosting Logseq
- logseq-doctor By andreoliwa - Heal your Markdown files. CLI tool to convert to outline, list tasks, and more tools to come
- Logseq Times - Unofficial home for news, updates and opinions from the world of Logseq
- Logseq Advanced Query Builder by adxsoft - An Experimental online tool to help Logseq Users build advanced queries from simple commands
- movie-cli-2 - CLI tool for saving movie details into Logseq
- longdown - CLI tool for converting longform markdown to logseq markdown
- Logseq documentation
- Unofficial Logseq Documentation By mschmidtkorth
- By karlicoss
- 花园漫步 to the Garden
- OKR + GTD + Note => Logseq
- Abosen's Digital Garden
See for a large, active list of public graphs