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Ideas 20180609

sazare edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 3 revisions

Proof and Computation

  1. How Logic can be special Computation.

    1. A computation(trace) is a proof.
    2. An usual computation is straight forward, a proof needs searching.
  2. Descriptive power and computation

    • If something is written as relations. But we can write a program that output same result, and more quick.
    • If the program was slow, the proving process will be slow. Especially proving is undecidable.
    • It is dubious that Logic's descriptive power is high.
  3. What is good for Logic?

    • if Rel(p,x,y) == p(x,y), this may be the relation of abstract and concrete.
    • We can consider the all proofs. It is also the good point.
  4. For example in image recognition, given a picture a1, ML can show a1 is p in probability q, where p is a tag.

    • This can be written as p(a1, q) and Rel(p, a1, q). The concept p may be predicate and term. The concept interchangeable is great point, I think.
  5. Another approach is investigate the proof search elimination.


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