*. Personalities, PracticalSkills, BasicAbilities, etc., are not needed in the final output, removed their joins.
*. The WHERE clause has many LIKE conditions, which are computationally expensive. Consider using a full-text search if the database supports it (e.g., MySQL's FULLTEXT index).
*. The GROUP BY Jobs.id clause is used, but it not be necessary if there are no aggregate functions. Removed it.
*. The query uses LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0 for pagination. If the offset is large, this can be slow. Consider using keyset pagination (e.g., WHERE id > last_seen_id) instead of OFFSET.
*. Add indexes on foreign key columns like Jobs.job_category_id, Jobs.job_type_id, JobsPersonalities.job_id, etc.
*. Add a composite index on Jobs.sort_order and Jobs.id to optimize the ORDER BY clause.
*. Add indexes on columns used in the WHERE clause, such as JobCategories.name, JobTypes.name, Jobs.name, etc.