This project provides a simple Rails project and a development environment that includes a VM with nginx, passenger, and postgres.
- From servers/development directory, provision the VM and deploy the project using the following command:
vagrant up && cd ../../ && bundle install && cap development vagrant:deploy
- Verify the installation by visiting and
- /project : Maps to project root directory.
- /vagrant : Maps to servers/web-server. Default provided by Vagrant.
- Puppet: servers/development/puppet/manifests/default.pp
- Vagrant: servers/development/Vagrantfile
- Database: config/database.yml
- Deployment:
- config/deploy.rb
- config/deploy/development.rb
- Capistrano: Capfile
To SSH to the VM, run the following command from the servers/development directory.
vagrant ssh
The following command restarts the VM and updates the VM with any changes made to Vagrantfile.
vagrant reload
- /var/log/nginx/error.log
- /var/log/nginx/access.log
Using the following command, you can deploy your workspace to the VM.
cap development vagrant:deploy
Running this command will copy the contents of your project workspace to /var/www/app/releases/local, run 'bundle install', execute DB migrations and seeding, and restart passenger.
If you wish to add a new Puppet module, you can use the following steps.
- SSH to VM.
vagrant ssh
- Install a puppet module to the puppet modules directory.
puppet module install -i /vagrant/puppet/modules <module-name>
- Update servers/development/puppet/manifests/default.pp to include the module.
- From servers/development, run the provision command to install the module.
vagrant provision
You can connect to the DB from your computer using the following connection properties.
- Hostname: localhost
- Port: 15432
- Database: app_db
- Username: app_user
- Password: AppDbPassw0rd!