This acts as an API of sorts for CV2, with some common methods cast into objects that work with images, contours and more. All source code at the github repo page
open-cv python has contours, a extremely useful component that can be extracted from images. However, these components are in a ndarray format that can then be processed by a list of methods, rather than an object which has a list of methods. This library changes that around and allows for the contour extracted via open cv python to be placed in an object which can then be manipulated.
There are lots of common image functions that have been mapped to images, so that a loaded image can have these as properties or as methods inherently rather than having to code them yourself.
This will search for lines within an ImageObject which you can then utilise as a mask or manipulate with ImageObjects
- version 0.09.0 wide scale renaming, project structure, and defaults