Communication-Reduced Parallel SpMM
Clone the CRP-SpMM library from GitHub:
git clone
Enter directory CRP-SpMM/src
. CRP-SpMM provides the following example makefiles:
: Use Intel C compiler, Intel MKL sparse BLAS, and Intel MPI library (the C compiler ismpiicc
: Use Intel C compiler, Intel MKL sparse BLAS, and any MPI library (the C compiler ismpicc
On the Georgia Tech PACE-Phoenix cluster, we use the icc-mkl-anympi.make
. You may need to modify common.make
and create your own make file for your cluster.
Run the following command to compile the CRP-SpMM library:
make -f icc-mkl-anympi.make
After compilation, the dynamic and static library files are copied to directory CRP-SpMM/lib
, and the C header files are copied to directory CRP-SpMM/include
Enter directory CRP-SpMM/examples
to compile the example program. This directory also contains two example make files as those in CRP-SpMM/src
. Run the following command to compile the CRP-SpMM library:
make -f icc-mkl-anympi.make
For single node execution or launch on clusters without a job scheduling system, the following command should work on most platforms (assuming that you are in directory CRP-SpMM/examples
mpirun -np <nprocs> ./test_crpspmm.exe <mtx-file> <n> <ntest> <chkres>
: Number of MPI processes<mtx-file>
: Path to the Matrix Market file that stores the sparse matrix An
: Number of B matrix columnsntest
: Number of tests to run, should be a non-negative integerchkres
: 0 or 1, 0 for skipping result correctness check, 1 for result correctness check
To explicitly control MPI + OpenMP hybrid parallelization, you need to specify OpenMP environment variables, and process affinity environment variables for some MPI libraries. In the paper, we use the following environment variables for MPI + OpenMP parallel tests on the Georgia Tech PACE-Phoenix cluster:
export OMP_PLACES=cores
if [ $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -gt 1 ]
export MV2_CPU_BINDING_POLICY=hybrid
For clusters and supercomputers with job scheduling systems like slurm, you need to write job scripts for launching the example program on multiple nodes.
The example program prints timing results and other information to the screen output. Here is an example running output on a single node with an Intel Xeon E5-2670 8-core processor using two cores per MPI process (the mtx file pwtk.mtx can be downloaded from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection, link):
$ mpirun -np 4 ./test_crpspmm.exe pwtk.mtx 256 5 1 0
B has 256 columns
Rank 0 read matrix A from file pwtk.mtx used 3.19 s
A size = 217918 * 217918, nnz = 11634424, nnz/row = 53, bandwidth = 189331
1D partition and distribution of A used 0.07 s
CRP-SpMM 2D partition: 1 * 4
crpspmm_engine init time: 0.009 s
-------------------------- Runtime (s) -------------------------
min avg max
Redist A to internal 1D layout 0.074 0.074 0.074
Replicate A with allgatherv 0.068 0.069 0.069
Redist B to internal 2D layout 0.278 0.280 0.283
Replicate B with alltoallv 0.000 0.000 0.000
Local SpMM 0.297 0.305 0.309
Redist C to user s 2D layout 0.306 0.311 0.318
SpMM total (avg of 5 runs) 1.059 1.060 1.060
------------------ Communicated Matrix Elements -----------------
min max sum
Redist A 2908606 2908606 11634424
Allgatherv A 11634424 11634424 46537696
Redist B 13946752 13946752 55787008
Alltoallv B 0 0 0
Alltoallv B necessary 13946752 13946752 55787008
||C_ref - C||_f / ||C_ref||_f = 0.000000e+00