Kotlin-Robot helps you with generating new Kotlin files programmatically, for example in annotation processors. There is a complete rewrite of this library named https://github.com/NKb03/krobot, which you are advised to use instead of this one.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.nkb03:kotlin-robot:1.0'
Because of its fluent DSL, code generation can look similar to regular kotlin code.
kotlinFile(pkg = "org.sample") {
comment("@author Nikolaus Knop")
addVar("magic", "Int".t, { private() }) {
get {
assign("field", field + "1".e)
set {
addFunction("f", { private(); inline() }, receiver = "kotlin.Int".t) {
addWhen(`this`) {
int(0) then "println"("Boom".q)
containedIn(int(1)..int(4)) then "println"("Bang".q)
otherwise then "println"("Nope".q)
This writes the following Kotlin code to example.kt
package org.sample
//@author Nikolaus Knop
private var magic: Int = 3
get() {
field += 1
return field
set(value) {
throw AssertionError()
private inline fun Int.f() {
when (this) {
0 -> println("Boom")
in 1..4 -> println("Bang")
else -> println("Nope")
Nearly all language features including comments are supported by the DSL, but sometimes it's easier to write raw text circumventing the DSL. Kotlin robot makes this as easy as possible.
kotlinFile("sample.test") {
comment("//Raw text")
raw {
Code is generated entirely on the fly, without storing an AST. This means the DSL directly translates to code only operating on output streams. Wherever possible functions with function parameters are marked inline, which makes code generation with Kotlin Robot even faster.
Because code is written to the output stream directly all possibly complex operations inside the DSL are reevaluated every time you call
on a KotlinFile
. Therefore, you should always write the code to an intermediate buffer, before writing the same KotlinFile
to multiple different OS-level files.
val f = kotlinFile("do.not.do.this") {
repeat(1_000_000) {
//Complex operation
repeat(1_000_000) { i ->
f.writeTo("file$i.kt") //Every single time reevaluates the lambda passed to kotlinFile
A better approach would be:
val f = kotlinFile("do.not.do.this") {
repeat(1_000_000) {
//Complex operation
val b = StringBuilder()
repeat(1_000_000) { i ->
val w = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get("file$i.kt"))
- Bad test coverage
There is only one Unit Test located insrc/test/kotlin/krobot/api/Spec.kt
that tests basic usage of most features. Eventual contributors are encouraged to write some more tests. Reporting bugs also helps very much.
To contribute to Kotlin Robot you are advised to use IntelliJ. Simply clone the project and open it in the IDE. To run the tests you will need the JUnit plugin.
Nikolaus Knop ([email protected])