Send arbitrarily many distinct tokens, to arbitrarily many distinct accounts with various different values from a CSV file in a single Safe transaciton!
The current version is deployed on IPFS at
On mainnet or rinkeby, you can navigate to the Gnosis Safe Apps tab and load the app from "Add Custom App", then follow these instructions to perform your first airdrop.
Note that, the mainnet version relies on the Uniswap Default Token List for token icons and number of decimal places. If you plan to airdrop a token that is not a member of this list, you will have to provide the number of decimal places as the decimals
column on each unlisted token transfer in your transfer file.
Install dependencies and start a local dev server.
yarn install
cp .env.sample .env
yarn start
- If HTTPS is used (by default enabled)
- Open your Safe app locally (by default via https://localhost:3000/) and accept the SSL error.
- Go to Safe Multisig web interface
- Create your test safe
- Go to Apps -> Manage Apps -> Add Custom App
- Paste your localhost URL, default is https://localhost:3000/
- You should see Safe Airdrop as a new app
- Develop your features from there