This is to explore what can be done with torch for R. Currently, this repo contains several basic implementations of variational autoencoders. We have
: a basic variational autoencoder using MLP encoder and decoder.vae_cnn
: same but using a more sophisticated convolutional neural network.s_vae_mlp
: a (fully) supervised VAE regularized by a classifier on top the latent variables. This is not the "standard" supervised VAE but instead follows ideas of Joy et. al. (2021)1, equation (2). This isn't the best way to do (semi-)supervised variational inference. A better version would be CCVAE, also introduced by Joy et. al. (2021)1, Section 4.2. (I might come back to implement this when I find the time.)
Note: The focus here was to build a working prototype, so the performance of each one of them is likely far from optimal and can be improved.
This implementation is based on torch for R. In addition, to load the MNIST
dataset the code uses the dslab
package. Some code also requires the ggsci
package for color palattes.
The R
files can be run in an IDE of choice such as RStudio
The variable latent_dim
at the beginning denotes the dimension of the latent variables. If latent_dim=2
the code will plot the latent variables created color-coded by the associated labels. This is particularly interesting for the supervised VAE.
Joy, T., Schmon, S., Torr, P., Siddharth, N., & Rainforth, T. (2021). Capturing Label Characteristics in VAEs. In International Conference on Learning Representations. ↩ ↩2