augusto-scriptable-ios-widget Public
Forked from martinkutter/augusto-scriptable-ios-widgetScriptable Script to display ordered meals from chemnitz.kitchen in iOS-Widgets
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 2, 2024 -
xshok-proxmox Public
Forked from extremeshok/xshok-proxmoxproxmox (pve) post installation optimizing and helper scripts
Shell Other UpdatedMay 5, 2023 -
django-datetime-widget-fa Public
Forked from Haikson/django-datetime-widget-faBootstrap django-datetime-widget is a simple and clean widget for DateField, Timefiled and DateTimeField in Django framework. It is based on Bootstrap datetime picker, supports both Bootstrap 3 and…
django-form-utils Public
Forked from carljm/django-form-utils[UNMAINTAINED] Form enhancements for Django (fieldset and row-attrs support, and more)
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 15, 2022 -
django-autotranslate Public
Forked from ankitpopli1891/django-autotranslateA simple Django app to automatically translate the pot (.po) files generated by django's makemessages command using google translate.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 11, 2021 -
django-zato-example Public
Forked from dirkmoors/django-zato-exampleExample project based on https://zato.io/blog/posts/django-web-services-integration.html
Python UpdatedOct 21, 2019 -
barclaycard_to_starmoney Public
Forked from julianatastro/barclaycard_to_starmoneyConverts Barclaycard credit card turnover csv-files into one txt-file which can be importet in starmoney
Python UpdatedJun 20, 2019 -
zato-connection-registry Public
Forked from emre/zato-connection-registryLoad/Backup/Restore your Zato connections
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 25, 2018 -
silver Public
Forked from silverapp/silverAutomated billing and payments for Django with a REST API
Python Other UpdatedJan 9, 2018 -
RFUID Public
Forked from marksteward/RFUIDRetrieve unique identifiers from RFID devices
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2017 -
goslate Public
Forked from yeahwhat-mc/goslatehttps://bitbucket.org/zhuoqiang/goslate
Python UpdatedJun 25, 2015