All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
privateBuyGet | GET /private/buy | Places a buy order for an instrument. |
privateCancelAllByCurrencyGet | GET /private/cancel_all_by_currency | Cancels all orders by currency, optionally filtered by instrument kind and/or order type. |
privateCancelAllByInstrumentGet | GET /private/cancel_all_by_instrument | Cancels all orders by instrument, optionally filtered by order type. |
privateCancelAllGet | GET /private/cancel_all | This method cancels all users orders and stop orders within all currencies and instrument kinds. |
privateCancelGet | GET /private/cancel | Cancel an order, specified by order id |
privateClosePositionGet | GET /private/close_position | Makes closing position reduce only order . |
privateEditGet | GET /private/edit | Change price, amount and/or other properties of an order. |
privateGetMarginsGet | GET /private/get_margins | Get margins for given instrument, amount and price. |
privateGetOpenOrdersByCurrencyGet | GET /private/get_open_orders_by_currency | Retrieves list of user's open orders. |
privateGetOpenOrdersByInstrumentGet | GET /private/get_open_orders_by_instrument | Retrieves list of user's open orders within given Instrument. |
privateGetOrderHistoryByCurrencyGet | GET /private/get_order_history_by_currency | Retrieves history of orders that have been partially or fully filled. |
privateGetOrderHistoryByInstrumentGet | GET /private/get_order_history_by_instrument | Retrieves history of orders that have been partially or fully filled. |
privateGetOrderMarginByIdsGet | GET /private/get_order_margin_by_ids | Retrieves initial margins of given orders |
privateGetOrderStateGet | GET /private/get_order_state | Retrieve the current state of an order. |
privateGetSettlementHistoryByCurrencyGet | GET /private/get_settlement_history_by_currency | Retrieves settlement, delivery and bankruptcy events that have affected your account. |
privateGetSettlementHistoryByInstrumentGet | GET /private/get_settlement_history_by_instrument | Retrieves public settlement, delivery and bankruptcy events filtered by instrument name |
privateGetUserTradesByCurrencyAndTimeGet | GET /private/get_user_trades_by_currency_and_time | Retrieve the latest user trades that have occurred for instruments in a specific currency symbol and within given time range. |
privateGetUserTradesByCurrencyGet | GET /private/get_user_trades_by_currency | Retrieve the latest user trades that have occurred for instruments in a specific currency symbol. |
privateGetUserTradesByInstrumentAndTimeGet | GET /private/get_user_trades_by_instrument_and_time | Retrieve the latest user trades that have occurred for a specific instrument and within given time range. |
privateGetUserTradesByInstrumentGet | GET /private/get_user_trades_by_instrument | Retrieve the latest user trades that have occurred for a specific instrument. |
privateGetUserTradesByOrderGet | GET /private/get_user_trades_by_order | Retrieve the list of user trades that was created for given order |
privateSellGet | GET /private/sell | Places a sell order for an instrument. |
Object privateBuyGet(instrumentName, amount, opts)
Places a buy order for an instrument.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let amount = 3.4; // Number | It represents the requested order size. For perpetual and futures the amount is in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH
let opts = {
'type': "type_example", // String | The order type, default: `\"limit\"`
'label': "label_example", // String | user defined label for the order (maximum 32 characters)
'price': 3.4, // Number | <p>The order price in base currency (Only for limit and stop_limit orders)</p> <p>When adding order with advanced=usd, the field price should be the option price value in USD.</p> <p>When adding order with advanced=implv, the field price should be a value of implied volatility in percentages. For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%</p>
'timeInForce': "'good_til_cancelled'", // String | <p>Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Default `\"good_til_cancelled\"`</p> <ul> <li>`\"good_til_cancelled\"` - unfilled order remains in order book until cancelled</li> <li>`\"fill_or_kill\"` - execute a transaction immediately and completely or not at all</li> <li>`\"immediate_or_cancel\"` - execute a transaction immediately, and any portion of the order that cannot be immediately filled is cancelled</li> </ul>
'maxShow': 1, // Number | Maximum amount within an order to be shown to other customers, `0` for invisible order
'postOnly': true, // Boolean | <p>If true, the order is considered post-only. If the new price would cause the order to be filled immediately (as taker), the price will be changed to be just below the bid.</p> <p>Only valid in combination with time_in_force=`\"good_til_cancelled\"`</p>
'reduceOnly': false, // Boolean | If `true`, the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position
'stopPrice': 3.4, // Number | Stop price, required for stop limit orders (Only for stop orders)
'trigger': "trigger_example", // String | Defines trigger type, required for `\"stop_limit\"` order type
'advanced': "advanced_example" // String | Advanced option order type. (Only for options)
apiInstance.privateBuyGet(instrumentName, amount, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
amount | Number | It represents the requested order size. For perpetual and futures the amount is in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH | |
type | String | The order type, default: `"limit"` | [optional] |
label | String | user defined label for the order (maximum 32 characters) | [optional] |
price | Number | <p>The order price in base currency (Only for limit and stop_limit orders)</p> <p>When adding order with advanced=usd, the field price should be the option price value in USD.</p> <p>When adding order with advanced=implv, the field price should be a value of implied volatility in percentages. For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%</p> | [optional] |
timeInForce | String | <p>Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Default `"good_til_cancelled"`</p> <ul> <li>`"good_til_cancelled"` - unfilled order remains in order book until cancelled</li> <li>`"fill_or_kill"` - execute a transaction immediately and completely or not at all</li> <li>`"immediate_or_cancel"` - execute a transaction immediately, and any portion of the order that cannot be immediately filled is cancelled</li> </ul> | [optional] [default to 'good_til_cancelled'] |
maxShow | Number | Maximum amount within an order to be shown to other customers, `0` for invisible order | [optional] [default to 1] |
postOnly | Boolean | <p>If true, the order is considered post-only. If the new price would cause the order to be filled immediately (as taker), the price will be changed to be just below the bid.</p> <p>Only valid in combination with time_in_force=`"good_til_cancelled"`</p> | [optional] [default to true] |
reduceOnly | Boolean | If `true`, the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position | [optional] [default to false] |
stopPrice | Number | Stop price, required for stop limit orders (Only for stop orders) | [optional] |
trigger | String | Defines trigger type, required for `"stop_limit"` order type | [optional] |
advanced | String | Advanced option order type. (Only for options) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateCancelAllByCurrencyGet(currency, opts)
Cancels all orders by currency, optionally filtered by instrument kind and/or order type.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let currency = "currency_example"; // String | The currency symbol
let opts = {
'kind': "kind_example", // String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered
'type': "type_example" // String | Order type - limit, stop or all, default - `all`
apiInstance.privateCancelAllByCurrencyGet(currency, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
currency | String | The currency symbol | |
kind | String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered | [optional] |
type | String | Order type - limit, stop or all, default - `all` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateCancelAllByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts)
Cancels all orders by instrument, optionally filtered by order type.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let opts = {
'type': "type_example" // String | Order type - limit, stop or all, default - `all`
apiInstance.privateCancelAllByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
type | String | Order type - limit, stop or all, default - `all` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateCancelAllGet()
This method cancels all users orders and stop orders within all currencies and instrument kinds.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
apiInstance.privateCancelAllGet((error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateCancelGet(orderId)
Cancel an order, specified by order id
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let orderId = ETH-100234; // String | The order id
apiInstance.privateCancelGet(orderId, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
orderId | String | The order id |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateClosePositionGet(instrumentName, type, opts)
Makes closing position reduce only order .
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let type = "type_example"; // String | The order type
let opts = {
'price': 3.4 // Number | Optional price for limit order.
apiInstance.privateClosePositionGet(instrumentName, type, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
type | String | The order type | |
price | Number | Optional price for limit order. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateEditGet(orderId, amount, price, opts)
Change price, amount and/or other properties of an order.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let orderId = ETH-100234; // String | The order id
let amount = 3.4; // Number | It represents the requested order size. For perpetual and futures the amount is in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH
let price = 3.4; // Number | <p>The order price in base currency.</p> <p>When editing an option order with advanced=usd, the field price should be the option price value in USD.</p> <p>When editing an option order with advanced=implv, the field price should be a value of implied volatility in percentages. For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%</p>
let opts = {
'postOnly': true, // Boolean | <p>If true, the order is considered post-only. If the new price would cause the order to be filled immediately (as taker), the price will be changed to be just below the bid.</p> <p>Only valid in combination with time_in_force=`\"good_til_cancelled\"`</p>
'advanced': "advanced_example", // String | Advanced option order type. If you have posted an advanced option order, it is necessary to re-supply this parameter when editing it (Only for options)
'stopPrice': 3.4 // Number | Stop price, required for stop limit orders (Only for stop orders)
apiInstance.privateEditGet(orderId, amount, price, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
orderId | String | The order id | |
amount | Number | It represents the requested order size. For perpetual and futures the amount is in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH | |
price | Number | <p>The order price in base currency.</p> <p>When editing an option order with advanced=usd, the field price should be the option price value in USD.</p> <p>When editing an option order with advanced=implv, the field price should be a value of implied volatility in percentages. For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%</p> | |
postOnly | Boolean | <p>If true, the order is considered post-only. If the new price would cause the order to be filled immediately (as taker), the price will be changed to be just below the bid.</p> <p>Only valid in combination with time_in_force=`"good_til_cancelled"`</p> | [optional] [default to true] |
advanced | String | Advanced option order type. If you have posted an advanced option order, it is necessary to re-supply this parameter when editing it (Only for options) | [optional] |
stopPrice | Number | Stop price, required for stop limit orders (Only for stop orders) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetMarginsGet(instrumentName, amount, price)
Get margins for given instrument, amount and price.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let amount = 1; // Number | Amount, integer for future, float for option. For perpetual and futures the amount is in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH.
let price = 3.4; // Number | Price
apiInstance.privateGetMarginsGet(instrumentName, amount, price, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
amount | Number | Amount, integer for future, float for option. For perpetual and futures the amount is in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH. | |
price | Number | Price |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetOpenOrdersByCurrencyGet(currency, opts)
Retrieves list of user's open orders.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let currency = "currency_example"; // String | The currency symbol
let opts = {
'kind': "kind_example", // String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered
'type': "type_example" // String | Order type, default - `all`
apiInstance.privateGetOpenOrdersByCurrencyGet(currency, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
currency | String | The currency symbol | |
kind | String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered | [optional] |
type | String | Order type, default - `all` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetOpenOrdersByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts)
Retrieves list of user's open orders within given Instrument.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let opts = {
'type': "type_example" // String | Order type, default - `all`
apiInstance.privateGetOpenOrdersByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
type | String | Order type, default - `all` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetOrderHistoryByCurrencyGet(currency, opts)
Retrieves history of orders that have been partially or fully filled.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let currency = "currency_example"; // String | The currency symbol
let opts = {
'kind': "kind_example", // String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered
'count': 56, // Number | Number of requested items, default - `20`
'offset': 10, // Number | The offset for pagination, default - `0`
'includeOld': false, // Boolean | Include in result orders older than 2 days, default - `false`
'includeUnfilled': false // Boolean | Include in result fully unfilled closed orders, default - `false`
apiInstance.privateGetOrderHistoryByCurrencyGet(currency, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
currency | String | The currency symbol | |
kind | String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered | [optional] |
count | Number | Number of requested items, default - `20` | [optional] |
offset | Number | The offset for pagination, default - `0` | [optional] |
includeOld | Boolean | Include in result orders older than 2 days, default - `false` | [optional] |
includeUnfilled | Boolean | Include in result fully unfilled closed orders, default - `false` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetOrderHistoryByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts)
Retrieves history of orders that have been partially or fully filled.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let opts = {
'count': 56, // Number | Number of requested items, default - `20`
'offset': 10, // Number | The offset for pagination, default - `0`
'includeOld': false, // Boolean | Include in result orders older than 2 days, default - `false`
'includeUnfilled': false // Boolean | Include in result fully unfilled closed orders, default - `false`
apiInstance.privateGetOrderHistoryByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
count | Number | Number of requested items, default - `20` | [optional] |
offset | Number | The offset for pagination, default - `0` | [optional] |
includeOld | Boolean | Include in result orders older than 2 days, default - `false` | [optional] |
includeUnfilled | Boolean | Include in result fully unfilled closed orders, default - `false` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetOrderMarginByIdsGet(ids)
Retrieves initial margins of given orders
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let ids = ["123456"]; // [String] | Ids of orders
apiInstance.privateGetOrderMarginByIdsGet(ids, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ids | [String] | Ids of orders |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetOrderStateGet(orderId)
Retrieve the current state of an order.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let orderId = ETH-100234; // String | The order id
apiInstance.privateGetOrderStateGet(orderId, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
orderId | String | The order id |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetSettlementHistoryByCurrencyGet(currency, opts)
Retrieves settlement, delivery and bankruptcy events that have affected your account.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let currency = "currency_example"; // String | The currency symbol
let opts = {
'type': "type_example", // String | Settlement type
'count': 56 // Number | Number of requested items, default - `20`
apiInstance.privateGetSettlementHistoryByCurrencyGet(currency, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
currency | String | The currency symbol | |
type | String | Settlement type | [optional] |
count | Number | Number of requested items, default - `20` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetSettlementHistoryByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts)
Retrieves public settlement, delivery and bankruptcy events filtered by instrument name
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let opts = {
'type': "type_example", // String | Settlement type
'count': 56 // Number | Number of requested items, default - `20`
apiInstance.privateGetSettlementHistoryByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
type | String | Settlement type | [optional] |
count | Number | Number of requested items, default - `20` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetUserTradesByCurrencyAndTimeGet(currency, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, opts)
Retrieve the latest user trades that have occurred for instruments in a specific currency symbol and within given time range.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let currency = "currency_example"; // String | The currency symbol
let startTimestamp = 1536569522277; // Number | The earliest timestamp to return result for
let endTimestamp = 1536569522277; // Number | The most recent timestamp to return result for
let opts = {
'kind': "kind_example", // String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered
'count': 56, // Number | Number of requested items, default - `10`
'includeOld': true, // Boolean | Include trades older than 7 days, default - `false`
'sorting': "sorting_example" // String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database)
apiInstance.privateGetUserTradesByCurrencyAndTimeGet(currency, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
currency | String | The currency symbol | |
startTimestamp | Number | The earliest timestamp to return result for | |
endTimestamp | Number | The most recent timestamp to return result for | |
kind | String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered | [optional] |
count | Number | Number of requested items, default - `10` | [optional] |
includeOld | Boolean | Include trades older than 7 days, default - `false` | [optional] |
sorting | String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetUserTradesByCurrencyGet(currency, opts)
Retrieve the latest user trades that have occurred for instruments in a specific currency symbol.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let currency = "currency_example"; // String | The currency symbol
let opts = {
'kind': "kind_example", // String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered
'startId': "startId_example", // String | The ID number of the first trade to be returned
'endId': "endId_example", // String | The ID number of the last trade to be returned
'count': 56, // Number | Number of requested items, default - `10`
'includeOld': true, // Boolean | Include trades older than 7 days, default - `false`
'sorting': "sorting_example" // String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database)
apiInstance.privateGetUserTradesByCurrencyGet(currency, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
currency | String | The currency symbol | |
kind | String | Instrument kind, if not provided instruments of all kinds are considered | [optional] |
startId | String | The ID number of the first trade to be returned | [optional] |
endId | String | The ID number of the last trade to be returned | [optional] |
count | Number | Number of requested items, default - `10` | [optional] |
includeOld | Boolean | Include trades older than 7 days, default - `false` | [optional] |
sorting | String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetUserTradesByInstrumentAndTimeGet(instrumentName, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, opts)
Retrieve the latest user trades that have occurred for a specific instrument and within given time range.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let startTimestamp = 1536569522277; // Number | The earliest timestamp to return result for
let endTimestamp = 1536569522277; // Number | The most recent timestamp to return result for
let opts = {
'count': 56, // Number | Number of requested items, default - `10`
'includeOld': true, // Boolean | Include trades older than 7 days, default - `false`
'sorting': "sorting_example" // String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database)
apiInstance.privateGetUserTradesByInstrumentAndTimeGet(instrumentName, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
startTimestamp | Number | The earliest timestamp to return result for | |
endTimestamp | Number | The most recent timestamp to return result for | |
count | Number | Number of requested items, default - `10` | [optional] |
includeOld | Boolean | Include trades older than 7 days, default - `false` | [optional] |
sorting | String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetUserTradesByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts)
Retrieve the latest user trades that have occurred for a specific instrument.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let opts = {
'startSeq': 56, // Number | The sequence number of the first trade to be returned
'endSeq': 56, // Number | The sequence number of the last trade to be returned
'count': 56, // Number | Number of requested items, default - `10`
'includeOld': true, // Boolean | Include trades older than 7 days, default - `false`
'sorting': "sorting_example" // String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database)
apiInstance.privateGetUserTradesByInstrumentGet(instrumentName, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
startSeq | Number | The sequence number of the first trade to be returned | [optional] |
endSeq | Number | The sequence number of the last trade to be returned | [optional] |
count | Number | Number of requested items, default - `10` | [optional] |
includeOld | Boolean | Include trades older than 7 days, default - `false` | [optional] |
sorting | String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateGetUserTradesByOrderGet(orderId, opts)
Retrieve the list of user trades that was created for given order
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let orderId = ETH-100234; // String | The order id
let opts = {
'sorting': "sorting_example" // String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database)
apiInstance.privateGetUserTradesByOrderGet(orderId, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
orderId | String | The order id | |
sorting | String | Direction of results sorting (`default` value means no sorting, results will be returned in order in which they left the database) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Object privateSellGet(instrumentName, amount, opts)
Places a sell order for an instrument.
import DeribitApi from 'deribit_api';
let defaultClient = DeribitApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer (Auth. Token) access token for authorization: bearerAuth
let bearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['bearerAuth'];
bearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
let apiInstance = new DeribitApi.TradingApi();
let instrumentName = BTC-PERPETUAL; // String | Instrument name
let amount = 3.4; // Number | It represents the requested order size. For perpetual and futures the amount is in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH
let opts = {
'type': "type_example", // String | The order type, default: `\"limit\"`
'label': "label_example", // String | user defined label for the order (maximum 32 characters)
'price': 3.4, // Number | <p>The order price in base currency (Only for limit and stop_limit orders)</p> <p>When adding order with advanced=usd, the field price should be the option price value in USD.</p> <p>When adding order with advanced=implv, the field price should be a value of implied volatility in percentages. For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%</p>
'timeInForce': "'good_til_cancelled'", // String | <p>Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Default `\"good_til_cancelled\"`</p> <ul> <li>`\"good_til_cancelled\"` - unfilled order remains in order book until cancelled</li> <li>`\"fill_or_kill\"` - execute a transaction immediately and completely or not at all</li> <li>`\"immediate_or_cancel\"` - execute a transaction immediately, and any portion of the order that cannot be immediately filled is cancelled</li> </ul>
'maxShow': 1, // Number | Maximum amount within an order to be shown to other customers, `0` for invisible order
'postOnly': true, // Boolean | <p>If true, the order is considered post-only. If the new price would cause the order to be filled immediately (as taker), the price will be changed to be just below the bid.</p> <p>Only valid in combination with time_in_force=`\"good_til_cancelled\"`</p>
'reduceOnly': false, // Boolean | If `true`, the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position
'stopPrice': 3.4, // Number | Stop price, required for stop limit orders (Only for stop orders)
'trigger': "trigger_example", // String | Defines trigger type, required for `\"stop_limit\"` order type
'advanced': "advanced_example" // String | Advanced option order type. (Only for options)
apiInstance.privateSellGet(instrumentName, amount, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
instrumentName | String | Instrument name | |
amount | Number | It represents the requested order size. For perpetual and futures the amount is in USD units, for options it is amount of corresponding cryptocurrency contracts, e.g., BTC or ETH | |
type | String | The order type, default: `"limit"` | [optional] |
label | String | user defined label for the order (maximum 32 characters) | [optional] |
price | Number | <p>The order price in base currency (Only for limit and stop_limit orders)</p> <p>When adding order with advanced=usd, the field price should be the option price value in USD.</p> <p>When adding order with advanced=implv, the field price should be a value of implied volatility in percentages. For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%</p> | [optional] |
timeInForce | String | <p>Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Default `"good_til_cancelled"`</p> <ul> <li>`"good_til_cancelled"` - unfilled order remains in order book until cancelled</li> <li>`"fill_or_kill"` - execute a transaction immediately and completely or not at all</li> <li>`"immediate_or_cancel"` - execute a transaction immediately, and any portion of the order that cannot be immediately filled is cancelled</li> </ul> | [optional] [default to 'good_til_cancelled'] |
maxShow | Number | Maximum amount within an order to be shown to other customers, `0` for invisible order | [optional] [default to 1] |
postOnly | Boolean | <p>If true, the order is considered post-only. If the new price would cause the order to be filled immediately (as taker), the price will be changed to be just below the bid.</p> <p>Only valid in combination with time_in_force=`"good_til_cancelled"`</p> | [optional] [default to true] |
reduceOnly | Boolean | If `true`, the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position | [optional] [default to false] |
stopPrice | Number | Stop price, required for stop limit orders (Only for stop orders) | [optional] |
trigger | String | Defines trigger type, required for `"stop_limit"` order type | [optional] |
advanced | String | Advanced option order type. (Only for options) | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json