Tags: scorpion81/Blender-Molecular-Script
Toggle v1.1.4a's commit message
update fat binary for arm64
Toggle v1.1.4's commit message
added some UV Baking information to the readme
Addes some short explanation and example blend file on how to add UVs to the particle system instances.
Toggle 1.1.3's commit message
Toggle 1.1.3a's commit message
build a "fat" binary for mac os
Toggle 1.1.2c's commit message
compile against python 3.9 for blender 2.93+
update python version against which this addon is being compiled
Toggle 1.1.2b's commit message
Toggle 1.1.2a's commit message
hrmpf, blender 2.90.1 still uses python 3.7
was assuming the switch to 3.8 was already made.
Trying to adapt this now in the builders.
Toggle 1.1.2's commit message
try to additionally link math lib (lm)
Toggle 1.1.1's commit message
Toggle 1.1.0's commit message
fixed baked UV rendering
forced the angular velocities to be written into the pointcache as well
You can’t perform that action at this time.