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API Issues Gotchas Wishlist

Scott Brightwell edited this page Jun 3, 2016 · 5 revisions

Things with the API that you wish you knew sooner:

  • check for 'message' prior to using results from the api

      if 'message' in symmetrix_list_response:
      # Unisphere returns a key called 'message' in a dict when no results found
      # you can get the value of 'message' and print it to see what the issue is
      message = symmetrix_list_response.get('message')
  • sometimes results that can only be a single value are returned in a list. you have to reference the result_list[0] to get at the data dict you're looking for

  • to figure out how to reference the particular key-value elements of the result you're given by the API, you'll have to read the api docs or experiment with periodically printing the results. Use a provided call (as in the example) to output a nicely formatted data structure. You'll have to reference the result result_of_api_call[0]['symmetrixId'] in sometimes funky ways to get the data you're after.

Wish List

  1. I'm looking for references to subscription rates. Anyone found reference to querying subscribed capacity in the API?
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