Nstrumenta project example for code, data and sandbox use, including active commit webhook to GitHub.
Fork this repository so you can make edits
Create a new project on https://nstrumenta.com
Add the nstrumenta app to your repository in the github web interface: https://github.com/apps/nstrumenta-github
- Open the Record page in your nstrumenta project
- Configure inputs to record, for this example, open nstrumenta from a mobile phone and select the Device Motion input to record the inertial sensors on your device.
- Click 'Start Recording', wave the device around to make an interesting log, and then click Stop Recording to finish the log
- Your recording will be listed in the Data page in your nstrumenta project
- Clicking on the name will open a time series plot
Clone your project locally and open in VS Code
While you have the VS Code window open, also open your nstrumenta project
Initialize the connection tp VS Code by clicking on the VS Code logo in the top right and selecting 'init'
If connected the VS Code will change to a color from grey (you can test the connection with 'ping' from the same window)
Open the Command Pallete (Ctrl/Cmd)+Shift+P
- Edit a file, for example add a line to the Readme.md and commit