- Berlin, Germany
Keycloak integration with OpenFGA (based on Zanzibar) for Fine-Grained Authorization at Scale (ReBAC)
Simple project environment for creating custom Keycloak extensions
Quarkus sample application - Super Heroes
Very simplified shop sales system made in a microservices architecture using quarkus
A Keycloak plugin for migrating users from legacy systems
Aplicativo mobile para auxiliar o entregador da DonaFrost❄️
An example project for Keycloak Customizations
A Testcontainer implementation for Keycloak IAM & SSO.
keycloak-nodejs-admin-client repo is moved.
This project uses spring boot 2, spring data, postgis, hibernate spatial and flyway to manage DDL changes. This example includes some sample data to grab amazon distribution centers close to a cert…
Sample cloud-first application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, and gRPC.
Keycloak JAX-RS application embedded in a Spring-Boot App.
Apostila do curso de Microservices com Spring Cloud da Caelum.
A Spring Boot example editing spatial data in MySQL
Service used for curation of Haplotype Frequency
Lösung zur Erfassung von Kontaktdaten von in Geschäften und an Orten öffentlichen Lebens anwesender Personen zum Zweck der Kontaktaufnahme im Fall entdeckter Infektionen.
Lösung zur Erfassung von Kontaktdaten von in Geschäften und an Orten öffentlichen Lebens anwesender Personen zum Zweck der Kontaktaufnahme im Fall entdeckter Infektionen.
Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
Restaurant App 🍔 is a sample open-source e-Commerce 🛒 application for ordering foods, powered by polyglot microservices architecture and cross-platform development including mobile and web
THIS PROJECT MOVED: PoC for embedding Keycloak's JAX-RS application in a Spring-Boot App. New Location:
DDD. Event sourcing. CQRS. REST. Modular. Microservices. Kotlin. Spring. Axon platform. Apache Kafka. RabbitMQ