LLM-feedback is a tool designed for LLM app developers to collect and monitor feedback on AI-generated content. Utilizing this tool, you can:
- Monitor feedback on AI-generated content, staying informed about how users are impacted by changes in the LLM configuration, be it prompts, models, or other settings.
- Track every modification to your LLM configuration and aggregate feedback for each version, enabling efficient LLM A/B testing.
- Gain deeper insights into user-AI interactions and the context surrounding specific feedback.
With the help of the client SDK, integration will be easy. Client SDK: https://github.com/scy0208/llm-feedback-client
Go to https://www.llmfeedback.com/register, connect your github account, and create a new project in the dashboard
npm install llm-feedback-client@latest
import { Client } from "llm-feedback-client"
const feedbackClient = new Client({
projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
export default async function callLLM(request: Request) {
const systemSetting = {
role: "system",
content: "You are a knowledgable assistant helping Intellectual Property Practitioners understand other domain knowledges." +
"Follow the user\'s instructions carefully. Respond using markdown." +
"at the end of your response highlight that please ask user to click feedback button"
const temperature = 0.7
const model = process.env.OPENAI_GPT_MODEL
const configName = "VERSION_DOMAIN_08-20"
await feedbackClient.registerConfig({
config: {
// put whatever you want here
can be used in link a feedback to a specific content.
can help group together the user-AI interation (e.g. a conversation).
const handleSubmit = async (user: string, userInput: string, conversationId: string) => {
const userMessageId = uuidv4()
await feedbackClient.storeContent({
content: userInput,
id: userMessageId,
groupId: conversationId,
createdBy: user,
const aiGeneratedContent: String = await callLLMandHandleAIResponse(userInput)
const aiContendId = uuidv4() // this aiContendId will be used in the feedback
await feedbackClient.storeContent({
content: aiGeneratedContent,
id: aiContendId,
groupId: conversationId,
createdBy: 'assistant',
const createFeedback = async (contentId: string, key: string, score: number, comment?: string) => {
await feedebackClient.createFeedback({
In your UI component:
<button type="button" onClick={() => createFeedback(aiContendId, "thumb_up", 1)}
<ThumbUpIcon />