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golang design pattern go 设计模式实现,包含 23 种常见的设计模式实现,同时这也是极客时间-设计模式之美 的笔记
GitHub Repository Template for creating new Kubectl plugins
Set of helpers for creating kubectl commands and plugins.
In this tutorial, you will perform inference across 10 well-known pre-trained semantic segmentors and fine-tune on a custom dataset. Design and train your own segmentor.
🦋 A Hexo Theme: Butterfly
The easiest way to use deep metric learning in your application. Modular, flexible, and extensible. Written in PyTorch.
A beautiful hexo blog theme with material design and responsive design.一个基于材料设计和响应式设计而成的全面、美观的Hexo主题。国内访问:
🌊 一款 Material Design 风格的 Hexo 主题 / An elegant Material-Design theme for Hexo
📈 目前最大的工业缺陷检测数据库及论文集 Constantly summarizing open source dataset and critical papers in the field of surface defect research which are of great importance.
TeachYourselfCS 的中文翻译 | A Chinese translation of TeachYourselfCS
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
YOLOv3 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, in…
GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
游戏服务器框架,网络层分别用SocketAPI、Boost Asio、Libuv三种方式实现, 框架内使用共享内存,无锁队列,对象池,内存池来提高服务器性能。还包含一个不断完善的Unity 3D客户端,客户端含大量完整资源,坐骑,宠物,伙伴,装备, 这些均己实现上阵和穿戴, 并可进入副本战斗,多人玩法也己实现, 持续开发中。
based on C++11 , a mini threadpool , accept variable number of parameters 基于C++11的线程池,简洁且可以带任意多的参数