- Install Python 3.8 for Windows
- Install nVidia CUDA 11.4 & CuDNN 8.x
- Install Tensorflow
- download Tensorflow 2.4.6 cpu for Windows10
pip install tensorflow-2.6.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
- download Tensorflow 2.4.6 cpu for Windows10
- Download Examples
git clone https://github.com/rkuo2000/tf
- Go to directory
cd tf
jupyter notebook
to run intro.ipynb- run tensorboard :
tensorboard --logdir=./
- use Chrome to open http://localhost:6006
- one neuron network :
python easy_net.py
- ten neurons network:
python hidden_net.py
- plot data :
python mnist_plotdata.py
- DNN :
python mnist.py
- CNN :
python mnist_cnn.py
- load model to predict :
python mnist_cnn_test.py
(test data)
python mnist_cnn_image.py
(image file)
python mnist_cnn_webcam.py
- CNN :
python fashionmnist_cnn.py
- Download the FER-2013 dataset from here and unzip it under data folder.
- change directory name from data/data to data/fer2013
- To train the model, run
python emotion_detection.py --mode train
- To detect facial expression, run
python emotion_detection.py --mode detect
- Train model:
python pneumonia_cnn.py
- Test model:
python pneumonia_test.py
Coronavirus Genome Identification
COVID-19 Pneumonia Detection