Pariveda (@pariveda)
- Houston, TX
- https://www.seafish.io
passport-microsoft Public
An Authentication strategy for passport.js that uses the Microsoft Graph API
better-sqlite3-lambda-layer Public
A layer for AWS Lambda (nodejs) that allows you to use better-sqlite3 without having to compile the native module yourself. Also can be a template for any natively-compiled nodejs modules for AWS L…
amazon-transcribe-developer-guide Public
Forked from awsdocs/amazon-transcribe-developer-guideThe open source version of the Amazon Transcribe docs. You can submit feedback & requests for changes by submitting issues in this repo or by making proposed changes & submitting a pull request.
CsvHelper Public
Forked from JoshClose/CsvHelperLibrary to help reading and writing CSV files
awesome-layers Public
Forked from mthenw/awesome-layersλ A curated list of awesome AWS Lambda Layers.
www.passportjs.org Public
Forked from passport/www.passportjs.orgThe official website of Passport.js.
crisiscleanup Public
Forked from CrisisCleanup/crisiscleanup-2Open Source Collaborative Disaster Recovery and Cleanup
sql-docs Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/sql-docsTechnical documentation for Microsoft SQL Server, tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) , SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) etc.
alexa-conversation Public
Forked from ExpediaDotCom/alexa-conversationFramework to easily test your Alexa skills functionally by creating a conversation with your skill.
VSMobileCenterBuild Public
Forked from slamb2k/VSMobileCenterBuildBuild mobile app packages with Visual Studio Mobile Center.
angular-oauth1-client Public
An OAuth1.0a client for AngularJS 1 and Cordova/Ionic
nvm-vscode Public
Shows how to use NVM with VS Code
vsts-node-api Public
Forked from microsoft/azure-devops-node-apiVisual Studio Team Services Client for Node.js
card-catalog Public
A curated collection of topical information, managed by GitBooks
locker-riddle Public
Solving the Locker Riddle as explained on the TED-Ed YouTube video
azure-content Public
Forked from joostdenijs/azure-contentRepository containing the Articles on azure.microsoft.com Documentation Center
serverless-helpers-js Public
Forked from serverless/serverless-helpers-jsServerless Helpers Node.Js: An NPM module that provides helper functions for Serverless Modules written in Node.js -
hubpress.io Public
Forked from HubPress/hubpress.ioA web application to build your blog on GitHub
django-mako-plus Public
Forked from doconix/django-mako-plusUse this if you've said: "Why are Django templates weak sauce? Why not just use regular Python in templates?" or "Why does Django make me list every. single. page. in urls.py?"
pcn-spec Public
Forked from pcnsuite/pcnspecOutlines the standard data format for representing PCN (process-chain-network) analysis.
angular-multi-select Public
Forked from isteven/angular-multi-selectA multi select dropdown directive for AngularJS. Allows you to use HTML tags and CSS in the data. Requires only AngularJS and nothing else.
MyDay Public archive
Simple Appcelerator Titanium mobile app to provide weather, an inspirational quote, and a breakfast suggestion
griddler Public
Forked from thoughtbot/griddlerSimplify receiving email.