This is my personal account
- Pittsburgh
- http://searchivarius.org/about
- @srchvrs
OSX status bar application to enable/disable Yubikey Nano
My most frequently used learning-to-rank algorithms ported to rust for efficiency. Try it: "pip install fastrank".
A missing piece of the Python multitask (both threads and processes) API: An extension that supports stateful worker pools & size-aware iterators.
A missing piece of the Python multitask (both threads and processes) API: An extension that supports stateful worker pools & size-aware iterators.
better multiprocessing and multithreading in Python
One-stop shop for running and fine-tuning transformer-based language models for retrieval
Cross-Lingual Adjustment of Contextual Word Representations
curl-like access to AWS resources with AWS Signature Version 4 request signing.
A large-scale multilingual dataset for Information Retrieval. Thorough human-annotations across 18 diverse languages.
Examples of vector DB indexing and query with various vector databases.
Scalable and privacy-enhanced graph generative models for benchmark graph neural networks
🔎 Open source distributed and RESTful search engine.
🆕 Find the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) for your vector data
The Levenshtein Python C extension module contains functions for fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity
Library for automatic retraining and continual learning
A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
Probabilistic time series modeling in Python
BCAI ART : Bosch Center for AI Adversarial Robustness Toolkit