A collection of old Objective-C classes and categories that may prove to be useful starting points, or inspiration.
Most categories could easily be converted to Swift extensions.
Some classes contain rough implementations, and could be adapted to receive an interface as a constructor parameter or use a delegate for some functionality.
- CIImage+NSImage
- NSBezierPath+Additions - Smooth an NSBezierPath, get all points
- NSColor+SJAdditions - RGB/RGBA string input extensions to NSColor
- NSImage+SJAdditions - a few additions on NSImage: blending, masking, flipping etc.
- NSTableView+RightClickedIndices
- SCNNode+SJAdditions
- SelectorTimer
- SJACOReader - read Adobe .aco swatch files and return every color in hex format
- SJADNShareController - Add App.net to the Mountain Lion share menu in your app, or use it standalone to share
- SJExpandingTextView - a vertically expanding NSTextView, similar to Messages and other chat apps
- SJTextViewAttachmentsController - get all files/images dragged into an NSTextview
- SJView - use blocks for drawing, animate background changes, get an image from a view
- StatusItem - a very simple custom NSStatusItem and view wrapper, allowing for easy subclassing and including delegate methods
Share, make changes, use commercially if you wish. Crediting "Seb Jachec" would be nice, but is not necessary.