AgreementMakerLight Eclipse Project
Alignment, a collaborative, system aided, user driven ontology/vocabulary matching and validation platform.
LogMap: An Ontology Alignment and Alignment Repair System
The Global WordNet Association Collaborative Inter-Lingual Index
OWL specification of the Core Ontology for Robotics and Automation (CORA) and other IEEE 1872-2015 ontologies
NLP functionality on top of the Sigma system
CoreNLP: A Java suite of core NLP tools for tokenization, sentence segmentation, NER, parsing, coreference, sentiment analysis, etc.
Named-entity recognition using neural networks. Easy-to-use and state-of-the-art results.
ixa-ehu / ukb
Forked from asoroa/ukbUkb: graph-based WSD and similarity
Client to query the DBpedia Spotlight for Wikification
ixa-pipe-wikify-ukb performs wikification based on UKB
ixa-pipe-ned-ukb performs Named Entity Disambiguation based on UKB
IXA pipes SuperSense Tagger (
Automatically generate qwn-ppv polarity lexicons for any language.
IXA pipes chunker (
IXA pipes probabilistic constituent parser (
Manually annotated test set from Europarl for Named Entity Recognition
IXA pipes opinion tagger (
IXA pipes machine learning utils (
IXA pipes sentence segmenter and tokenizer (
IXA pipes Part of Speech tagger and Lemmatizer (