Unreal Engine用プラグインです。子要素を擬似的に発光させる「Fake Bloom」ウィジェットを追加します。 Plugin for Unreal Engine. Add a "Fake Bloom" widget to make child elements pseudo-illuminate.
このプラグインを導入すると「Fake Bloom」というパネルが追加されます。このパネルは、子要素が発光して見えるように描画します。
After installing this plugin, a panel called "Fake Bloom" will be added. This panel draws child elements so that they appear to glow. -
Bloom textures can be saved as texture assets. -
When using a texture asset, it acts as a widget that simply draws a texture. This means that the performance impact can be minimized. -
If you are careful about performance, you can also apply processing on demand. For example, a bloom effect can be added to the name text that can be changed by the player. -
さらなるパフォーマンスへの注意を払えば、完全リアルタイムに処理を適用できます。つまり、発光対象のアニメーションが可能になります。Niagara UI Rendererプラグインなどの魅力を向上させます。
With additional performance attention, processing can be applied in full real-time. This means that animations of luminous objects are possible, enhancing the attractiveness of the Niagara UI Renderer plug-in, for example. -
Bloom texture generation and drawing are independent classes. They are part of the parameters so that the user can replace them with better implementations. -
You can also specify the Material to draw the bloom texture emission area. The parameters of this Material can be controlled as Sequencer's Track.
This plugin is still under development and has numerous issues.
C++ Projectで使う必要があります。Blueprint Projectで使用した場合、パッケージした実行ファイルでエラーが出ます。
Must be used with C++ Project; if used with Blueprint Project, errors will occur in the packaged executable.- 非公式な回避策として、Marketplace提供のプラグイン(例えばNiagara UI Renderer)を併用すると、Blueprint Projectであっても正常にパッケージした実行ファイルが動作する場合があるようです。(機序はよくわかりません)
As an unofficial workaround, it seems that when used in conjunction with a Marketplace-provided plug-in (e.g. Niagara UI Renderer), the packaged executable may work correctly, even with Blueprint Project. (I am not sure of the mechanism.)
- 非公式な回避策として、Marketplace提供のプラグイン(例えばNiagara UI Renderer)を併用すると、Blueprint Projectであっても正常にパッケージした実行ファイルが動作する場合があるようです。(機序はよくわかりません)
Destructive changes may be made. Version upgrades may cause loss of previous parameter settings. -
There is no proof yet that this plug-in has actually been used in a work and has stood up to practical use.
- UE5.0以降に随時対応
Support UE5.0 or later as needed - 基本的に作者が使うバージョン以外はサポートしません。新機能も増えません。
Basically, only the version used by the author will be supported. New features will not be added.
- Win64
Read the caution notes first. It is located just above this section. -
Download the zip file from Releases. -
Extract the "UI_Blooman" folder from within the zip file. -
Create a "Plugins" folder in the project to which you want to apply the plug-in. -
Move the "UI_Blooman" folder into the "Plugins" folder. -
Open Project and verify that the plug-in has been applied from the Plugins window.
There are two methods.
Hiearchyタブから発光させたい要素を右クリックし、「Warp with」コマンドでFake Bloomを選択します。
From the Hiearchy tab, right-click the element you want to emit and select Fake Bloom with the "Wrap with" command. -
PaletteタブからFake Bloomを選び、HierachyタブやDeisngerタブにドラッグ&ドロップします。その後、子要素を追加します。
Select Fake Bloom from the Palette tab and drag and drop it to the Hierachy or Deisnger tab. Then add child elements.
Sets the amount of overhang of the bloom area. If you want the light to emit over a wider area, you need to increase the overhang.
Bloom Textureパラメータに設定したテクスチャアセットを使って描画するかどうかを選択します。
Select whether to draw using the texture asset set in the Bloom Texture parameter.
これがオフの場合、Fake BloomはBuild Phaseパラメータの設定に従って一時的なブルームテクスチャを自動的に作ります。
If this is off, Fake Bloom will automatically create a temporary bloom texture according to the Build Phase parameter setting.
Use Textureパラメータがオンの時、描画に使うテクスチャアセットを指定します。
When the Use Texture parameter is on, it specifies the texture asset to be used for drawing.
Specifies the class used for the bloom texture generation process.
Sets whether to emit the entire child element or the high intensity pixels.
Sets the threshold for luminance to be emitted.
Sets the strength of the bloom.
Adjust the bloom spread to a smaller size.
Adjusts the spread of the bloom to a greater extent.
内部的には、ブルームテクスチャ生成に使うMip Mapテクスチャの最大レベル指定です。これが大きすぎると、領域全体が発光してしまいます。
Internally, this is the maximum level specification for the Mip Map texture used to generate the bloom texture. If this is too large, the entire area will emit light.
Sets the size compression of the generated bloom texture. The higher this value, the more compressed the texture.
Bloom texture is created only once when the widget is generated. This is the same process as when the game is executed.
Widgetの生成時に加えて、Widget Blueprintで編集中は常にブルームテクスチャを更新します。
In addition to when the widget is generated, the Bloom texture is always updated while editing in the Widget Blueprint.
このモードはFake Bloomの子要素を調整しながらブルームの見た目を確認するために存在します。
This mode exists to check the appearance of the bloom while adjusting the child elements of Fake Bloom.
ゲーム実行時は「At Create」と同じ挙動になります。
When the game is executed, the behavior is the same as "At Create".
The bloom texture is constantly updated even when the game is running.
This can have a significant impact on performance.
Specifies the class used for the bloom texture drawing process.
Specifies the Material used for the bloom texture rendering process.
デフォルトはAdditive BlendのMaterialになっています。気に入らない場合は変更が可能です。
The default is Additive Blend's Material. If you do not like it, you can change it.
このMaterialのParameterはSequencer Trackとして追加可能です。
The Parameter of this Material can be added as a Sequencer Track.
Paint MaterialのParameterのうち、"Tint Color"パラメータを制御します。
Controls the "Tint Color" parameter of the Paint Material Parameter.
Sequencer Trackを設定せずにTint Colorを設定したいケースのために、特別にパラメータ化されています。
It is specially parameterized for cases where you want to set Tint Color without setting Sequencer Track.
Sets the scaling when drawing bloom textures. This is for animation effect.
ブルームテクスチャをテクスチャアセット化する時のフォーマットを設定します。 Sets the format in which bloom textures are converted to texture assets.
I will update the plugin as needed as I use it in my Project.
Github Projectでタスク管理しています。
I manage tasks on Github Project.
Thanks to those who leave information.
UMG(Widget)をテクスチャ(RenderTarget)に描画する方法について (サンプル配布) (UE4.21に対応) - ぼっちプログラマのメモ
Custom Bloom Post-Process in Unreal Engine | Froyok - Fabrice Piquet
Slateのテキストに無理やり(?)アクセスする方法 - Qiita
UnrealC++でSlateのクラスをキャストする - Qiita