Auto-maybe is a script which automatically replies to calandar events in google cal. I've been assured by management that replying to meeting invitations is professional and will result in larger raises. Since I disagree and find it a waste of time (google adds the events to the calendar automatically), I've wasted time to automate the replies to selected addresses.
Who knows, maybe it will pay off some day. /s
Requires google api python client and oath2client
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client oauth2client
It currently logs to /var/log/maybe.log, which needs to be manually created
sudo touch /var/log/maybe.log
sudo chown user:group /var/log/maybe.log
Run once interactively to create credential files:
python --noauth_local_webserver
If running in cron, use something like this:
2 8 * * 1-5 /home/username/git/auto-maybe/ -c '/home/username/git/auto-maybe/creators.txt' -t '/home/username/git/auto-maybe/token.json' > /tmp/auto-maybe-cron.log 2>&1
Look here for help with setting up the api.
This supports several cli arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
path of token.json
-c CREATORS, --creators CREATORS
path of creators.txt
-d CRED, --cred CRED path of credentials.json
-r {accepted,declined,tentative}, --response {accepted,declined,tentative}
sets the response type that will be sent
--random sets the response to a random choice perfect for
irratating management
-v, --verbose logs to console
--whatif logs but does not update event