Neural Phase Picker for JMA unified dataset
FTeik package: 2D and 3D Eikonal solver to compute first arrival traveltimes in a heterogeneous isotropic velocity model, with the possibility to use different grid spacing in all directions.
Only achieve polatiry determination based on Attention Mechanism
Neural Eikonal Solver: framework for modeling traveltimes via solving eikonal equation using neural networks
The Fast Marching method to solve the eikonal equation
Probabilistic, Non-Linear, Global-Search Earthquake Location in 3D Media
A python package for 3D fast-marching-based traveltime calculation and its applications in seismology
Gaussian mixture model for incomplete (missing or truncated) and noisy data
Implementation of the paper: 'Robust mixture modelling using the t distribution', D. Peel and G. J. McLachlan.