Get V2ray configs from various Telegram channels and split them by protocol - UDP Based Hysteria2 and TUIC included.
A fork of KitsuneMagisk. Thanks to the original author @HuskyDG.
Use your locally running AI models to assist you in your web browsing
Automatically fetch and update various proxy configurations (WireGuard, Hysteria2, VLESS, VMess, SS, Trojan, TUIC) from public Telegram channels, other configuration URLs and SSCONF format links.
RyTuneX is a cutting-edge optimizer built with the WinUI 3 framework, designed to amplify the performance of Windows devices. Crafted for both Windows 10 and 11.
Self-hosted YouTube downloader (web UI for youtube-dl / yt-dlp)
A Material Design Weather Application
Lightning fast, open-source, < 250kb Android launcher
A Windows app which makes it easy for you to clean folders (especially desktop) and synchronize files according to certain requirements. 一个简单易用的多功能文件整理软件,可以用于清理桌面,同步文件等等。
Free Proxies,Free Nodes,免费节点,白嫖节点,免费vpn,免费v2ray,免费订阅,免费clash,Free VPN,Free v2ray,Free Sub,Free Clash
Qt based cross-platform GUI proxy configuration manager (backend: sing-box)
自动化批量替换生成优选线路 VMess / VLESS / Trojan 节点的 优选订阅生成器
基于 LKY_OfficeTools 构建的图形化版本。一键自动化下载、安装、激活 Office 正版的办公增强工具。该工具完全免费、无广告、绿色、无毒、简约、高效、安全。
Neilpang / nginx-proxy
Forked from nginx-proxy/nginx-proxyAutomated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen
CFnat 是为优化 Cloudflare 数据中心性能而设计的 Docker 镜像,支持多架构,通过实时筛选并连接低延迟 IP,适用于网络加速与高效流量转发场景。
Lightweight selfhosted Firefox Send alternative without public upload. AWS S3 supported.
这是一个Android系统TTS应用,内置微软演示接口,可自定义HTTP请求,可导入其他本地TTS引擎,以及根据中文双引号的简单旁白/对话识别朗读 ,还有自动重试,备用配置,文本替换等更多功能。
常用 OpenWrt 软件包合集,定时自动更新,适用于Lean immortalwrt官方22.03/23.05/24.10源码
ImmortalWrt 自动编译——利用 Github Action