This repo contains docker files and scripts to build docker images that are used for testing PcapPlusPlus.
Docker image inventory:
Maintained images (can be updated by CI)
- Alpine 3.15
- CentOS 7
- CentOS Stream 9
- Fedora 29
- Fedora 34
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Ubuntu 20.04 with DPDK 19.11
- Ubuntu 20.04 with DPDK 20.11
- Ubuntu 20.04 with DPDK 21.11
- Ubuntu 20.04 with the latest version of PF_RING
- Ubuntu 20.04 with Zstd v1.5.2
- Ubuntu 22.04
Legacy images (cannot or shouldn't be updated by CI)
- CentOS 8
- Fedora 26
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 16.04 with DPDK 16.11
- Ubuntu 16.04 with DPDK 17.11
- Ubuntu 16.04 with DPDK 18.02
- Ubuntu 16.04 with DPDK 18.11
- Ubuntu 16.04 with DPDK 19.02
- Ubuntu 16.04 with DPDK 19.08
- Ubuntu 16.04 with latest version of PF_RING
- Ubuntu 18.04 with DPDK 19.11
- Ubuntu 18.04 with Zstd v1.4.4
GitHub Actions is used for building the docker images automatically and push them to Docker Hub.
To build a docker image manually please use the following commands:
docker build . --file Dockerfile-${PLATFORM} --tag seladb/${PLATFORM}:latest
To test PcapPlusPlus with these docker images please use the
For example:
./ ubuntu2004-dpdk1911
./ centos7 -s