Last update 2018.1.18
This is an example faces morphing with oepnFrameworks. The operation has been confirmed on oepnFrameworks 0.9.8 on macOS Sierra.
If you want to build this project, you need following addons.
- ofxFaceTracker
- ofxOpenCv
- ofxCv
- ofxDelaunay
You need also following files in order to work.
Copy these files to "your project/bin/data/model" from "ofxFaceTracker/libs/FaceTracker/model".
- face.con
- face.tracker
- face.tri
- face2.tracker
And also you need to put two images in "your project/bin/data/images". (I'm using images that resolution is 640x480)
- face1.jpg
- face2.jpg
- ofxFaceTracker
- ofxOpenCv
- ofxCv
- ofxDelaunay