A script to fetch market data prices from various sources on the internet and render them for plain text accounting price syntax (and Beancount).
This used to be located within Beancount itself (at v2) under beancount.prices. This repo will contain all future updates to that script and to those price sources.
Some documentation is still part of Beancount. More about how to use this can be found on that mailing-list. Otherwise read the source.
You can obtain the source code from the official Git repository on Github:
| https://github.com/beancount/beanprice/
Install using the usual pip incantation.
Run tests:
pytest beanprice
pylint beanprice
Copyright (C) 2007-2020 Martin Blais. All Rights Reserved.
This code is distributed under the terms of the "GNU GPLv2 only". See COPYING file for details.