Visgence Inc.
- Las Cruces, NM
a gcc-based cross-compiler for classic 68K and PPC Macintoshes
Generate Parametric Gridfinity Bins and Baseplates in FreeCAD and build from them.
A software implementation of the Security+ system used by garage door openers
Grounded SAM: Marrying Grounding DINO with Segment Anything & Stable Diffusion & Recognize Anything - Automatically Detect , Segment and Generate Anything
Segment Anything in High Quality [NeurIPS 2023]
Simple transformer implementation from scratch in pytorch.
A MNIST-like fashion product database. Benchmark 👇
🔴 SystemVerilog FPGA cores to communicate with FTDI Synchronous/Asynchronous FIFOs (FT245 protocol)
❄️ Visual editor for open FPGA boards
Basic ECP5 based GigE to SYZYGY interface.
Libcli provides a shared library for including a Cisco-like command-line interface into other software. It's a telnet interface which supports command-line editing, history, authentication and call…
A pragmatic Web Single Sign-On (SSO) solution
JeffreyUrban / MaixPy
Forked from sipeed/MaixPy-v1MicroPython for K210 RISC-V, let's play with edge AI easier
A digital logic designer and circuit simulator.
Export netlists from Yosys to DigitalJS
Reverse engineering the QC 360 A1 quadcopter RC protocol
One script which generates live Linux ISO image with minimal effort. Based on the first published version of Minimal Linux Live: http://github.com/ivandavidov/minimal
Bringing Old Photo Back to Life (CVPR 2020 oral)