WARNING: This role can be dangerous to use. If you lose network connectivity to your target host by incorrectly configuring your firewall, you may be unable to recover without physical access to the machine.
This role installs and configures Shorewall for a simple, single network interface (can be a bond, of course) server.
This role requires Ansible 1.4 or higher and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows. These are all based on the configuration variables of the Shorewall configuration.
shorewall_enabled: "Yes"
shorewall_startup: 1
shorewall_wait_interface: "eth0"
shorewall_options: ""
shorewall_startoptions: ""
shorewall_restartoptions: ""
shorewall_initlog: "/var/log/shorewall_init.log"
shorewall_safestop: 0
shorewall_blacklistnewonly: "Yes"
- zone: "fw"
type: "firewall"
- zone: "net"
type: "ipv4"
- interface: "eth0"
zone: "net"
broadcast: "detect"
options: "dhcp,tcpflags,nosmurfs,logmartians"
- source: "$FW"
destination: "net"
policy: "ACCEPT"
- source: "net"
destination: "$FW"
policy: "ACCEPT"
- source: "all"
destination: "all"
policy: "DROP"
log_level: "info"
burst_limit: "10/second:100"
- section: "NEW"
- action: "ACCEPT"
source: "net"
destination: "$FW"
protocol: "tcp"
destination_port: 22
source_port: "-"
original_destination: "-"
rate_limit: "-"
user_group: "-"
mark: "-"
connection_limit: "-"
time: "-"
headers: "-"
switch: "-"
Example allowing all traffic in and out
- hosts: all
- roles:
- role: shorewall_simple
shorewall_enabled: "Yes"
shorewall_zones:- zone: "fw" type: "firewall"
- zone: "net" type: "ipv4" shorewall_interfaces:
- interface: "eth0" zone: "net" broadcast: "detect" options: "dhcp,tcpflags,nosmurfs,logmartians" shorewall_policies:
- source: "all" destination: "all" policy: "ACCEPT"
- role: shorewall_simple
shorewall_enabled: "Yes"
- roles:
- hosts: all
Example allowing all outgoing traffic but block incomming traffic and log it, but allow incomming SSH traffic and accept Ping
- hosts: all
- roles:
- role: shorewall_simple
shorewall_enabled: "Yes"
shorewall_zones:- zone: "fw" type: "firewall"
- zone: "net" type: "ipv4" shorewall_interfaces:
- interface: "eth0" zone: "net" broadcast: "detect" options: "dhcp,tcpflags,nosmurfs,logmartians" shorewall_policies:
- source: "$FW" destination: "net" policy: "ACCEPT"
- source: "net" destination: "$FW" policy: "DROP" log_level: "info"
- source: "all" destination: "all" policy: "DROP" shorewall_rules:
- section: "NEW"
- action: "Ping/ACCEPT" source: "net" destination: "$FW"
- action: "ACCEPT" source: "net" destination: "$FW" protocol: "tcp" destination_port: 22
- role: shorewall_simple
shorewall_enabled: "Yes"
- roles:
- hosts: all
All systems:
- iptables
Red Hat based distributions:
Philippe Dellaert
Shaun Smiley (this fork with significant changes)