All the services had their OpenCensus, Cloud Operations (Stackdriver) removed. Only OpenTelemetry Traces were added.
Specifically this repo is additionally modified to support Elastic Cloud end point.
Option 1 -To run this with Elastic and OTel Collector:
In the deploy-with-collector-k8s
1-change the two VARIABLES in otelcollector.yaml
with Elastic APM Server values.
With values from Elastic for APM Server OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT
(NOTE: Below are dummy values to provide an example. Ensure you go to APM Server OTel section in Elastic to get your values)
endpoint: "https:/"
Authorization: "Bearer YOUR-SECRET-HERE"
Run the following:
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/adservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/redis.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/cartservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/checkoutservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/currencyservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/emailservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/frontend.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/paymentservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/productcatalogservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/recommendationservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/shippingservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/loadgenerator.yaml
Ensure everything is running with kubectl get pods
and inspect any pods as needed.
Next run the OTel Collector
kubectl create -f ./deploy-with-collector-k8s/otelcollector.yaml
Option 2 Run without collector and point directly to Elastic APM Server
Kubernetes Manifest have two variables built into them now.
1/OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT --> this will point to Elastic's APM Server endpoint - should look like "https:/"
2/OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS --> this will use the Elastic APM Exporter OTLP Header value - should look like "Authorization=BearerSFSD%$#$343" value from elastic
To get these values for your Elastic Cloud instance, please go to APM section, add data, then select the Open Telemetry configuration. You will see these values listed.
To run this repo with K8S Manifests 0/Load up skaffold into your shell location 1/set up your favorite Kubernetes cluster of choice (AWS/AKS/GKE/etc) 2/Then add the following two secrets
kubectl create secret generic otel-exporter-otlp --from-literal=endpoint="OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT value from Elastic" --from-literal=header="OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS value from Elastic"
kubectl create secret generic otel-exporter-otlp-space --from-literal=header="OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS value from Elastic"
In the second secret line you need to modify the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADER with a %20 to explicitly note the space. Hence your value for the second secret should be something like this "Authorization=Bearer%20DSFSDFSRW@#$" vs "Authorization=Bearer DSFSDFSRW@#$"
Why are we adding a modified secret again? This is beacuse for Python services, the space needs to be '%20'
Next run from the opentelemetry-microservices-demo directory NOT from the K8S manifest directory.
skaffold run --default-repo=<your docker hub repo>
IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BUILD LOCAL IMAGES, then use the manifests from the elastic-k8s-manifests directory
Please bring them up in this order:
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/adservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/redis/yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/cartservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/checkoutservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/currencyservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/emailservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/frontend.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/paymentservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/productcatalogservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/recommendationservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/shippingservice.yaml
kubectl create -f ./elastic-k8s-manifests/loadgenerator.yaml
Online Boutique is a cloud-native microservices demo application. Online Boutique consists of a 10-tier microservices application + 1 Load Generator. The application is a web-based e-commerce app where users can browse items, add them to the cart, and purchase them.
Google uses the original application to demonstrate use of technologies like Kubernetes/GKE, Istio, Stackdriver, gRPC and OpenCensus. This application works on any Kubernetes cluster, as well as Google Kubernetes Engine. It’s easy to deploy with little to no configuration. You can find the one used by Google here:
If you’re using this demo, please ★Star this repository to show your interest!
Home Page | Checkout Screen |
![]() |
![]() |
Jaeger UI | Trace View |
![]() |
![]() |
If you'd like to follow Google's quickstart to deploy the sample in GKE, please refer to the original repository.
This repository will work with skaffold in the same way.
Docker is required.
If you want to test it locally without a kubernetes cluster, you can follow the steps below.
- Clone this repository.
git clone
cd opentelemetry-microservices-demo
- Build and run the containers.
We can simply use the script hack/ for this.
The script requires a TAG as parameter to build all container images and run them in a docker network calledonline-boutique
TAG=1.0.0 ./hack/
- Wait for the containers to be ready.
The first time you run the previous command it takes some minutes to build everything.
Once it finishes, you can check the running containers:
docker ps
You should see:
610e1ffb8f3e loadgenerator:1.0.0 "/bin/sh -c 'locust …" 35 seconds ago Up 33 seconds loadgenerator
430b8b64f1f4 shippingservice:1.0.0 "/src/shippingservice" 35 seconds ago Up 34 seconds>50051/tcp, :::49162->50051/tcp shippingservice
76d72b930915 recommendationservice:1.0.0 "opentelemetry-instr…" 36 seconds ago Up 35 seconds>8080/tcp, :::49161->8080/tcp recommendationservice
70f5946dddff productcatalogservice:1.0.0 "/src/server" 37 seconds ago Up 35 seconds>3550/tcp, :::49160->3550/tcp productcatalogservice
261d476b1e11 paymentservice:1.0.0 "node --require ./tr…" 37 seconds ago Up 36 seconds>50051/tcp, :::49159->50051/tcp paymentservice
a74930edbb96 frontend:1.0.0 "/src/server" 38 seconds ago Up 37 seconds>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp frontend
b223ca330de7 emailservice:1.0.0 "opentelemetry-instr…" 39 seconds ago Up 38 seconds>8080/tcp, :::49158->8080/tcp emailservice
eb3729c0f2d3 currencyservice:1.0.0 "node --require ./tr…" 40 seconds ago Up 38 seconds>7000/tcp, :::49157->7000/tcp currencyservice
6178957b18df checkoutservice:1.0.0 "/src/checkoutservice" 40 seconds ago Up 39 seconds>5050/tcp, :::49156->5050/tcp checkoutservice
4fb5500e3f01 cartservice:1.0.0 "/app/cartservice" 41 seconds ago Up 40 seconds>7070/tcp, :::49155->7070/tcp cartservice
a0f1de606609 adservice:1.0.0 "/app/build/install/…" 41 seconds ago Up 40 seconds>9555/tcp, :::49154->9555/tcp adservice
ad06d33dea6d redis:alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 42 seconds ago Up 40 seconds>6379/tcp, :::49153->6379/tcp redis-cart
0baec02fc020 otelcollector:1.0.0 "/otelcol --config=c…" 42 seconds ago Up 41 seconds 1888/tcp, 4317/tcp, 8888-8889/tcp, 13133/tcp, 55670/tcp, 55678-55679/tcp otelcollector
eb39e7c3ff04 jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.30 "/go/bin/all-in-one-…" 43 seconds ago Up 41 seconds>5775/udp, :::5775->5775/udp,>5778/tcp, :::5778->5778/tcp,>9411/tcp, :::9411->9411/tcp,>14250/tcp, :::14250->14250/tcp,>14268-14269/tcp, :::14268-14269->14268-14269/tcp,>6831-6832/udp, :::6831-6832->6831-6832/udp,>16686/tcp, :::16686->16686/tcp jaeger
Access the web frontend in a browser:
The frontend will be available at:http://localhost:8080/
. -
Access Jaeger in a browser to view your traces:
The Jaeger UI will be available at:http://localhost:16686/
. -
[Optional] Clean up:
To kill all containers, simply run hack/
If you'd like to check other deployment options, please refer to the original repository.
Online Boutique is composed of 10 microservices written in different languages that talk to each other over gRPC. Plus one Load Generator which uses Locust to fake user traffic.
See the Development Principles doc for more information.
Find Protocol Buffers Descriptions at the ./pb
Service | Language | Description |
frontend | Go | Exposes an HTTP server to serve the website. Does not require signup/login and generates session IDs for all users automatically. |
cartservice | C# | Stores the items in the user's shopping cart in Redis and retrieves it. |
productcatalogservice | Go | Provides the list of products from a JSON file and ability to search products and get individual products. |
currencyservice | Node.js | Converts one money amount to another currency. Uses real values fetched from European Central Bank. It's the highest QPS service. |
paymentservice | Node.js | Charges the given credit card info (mock) with the given amount and returns a transaction ID. |
shippingservice | Go | Gives shipping cost estimates based on the shopping cart. Ships items to the given address (mock) |
emailservice | Python | Sends users an order confirmation email (mock). |
checkoutservice | Go | Retrieves user cart, prepares order and orchestrates the payment, shipping and the email notification. |
recommendationservice | Python | Recommends other products based on what's given in the cart. |
adservice | Java | Provides text ads based on given context words. |
loadgenerator | Python/Locust | Continuously sends requests imitating realistic user shopping flows to the frontend. |
- Kubernetes:
The app is designed to run on Kubernetes (both locally , as well as on the cloud). - Docker:
This forked sample can also be executed only with Docker. - gRPC:
Microservices use a high volume of gRPC calls to communicate to each other. - Istio:
Application works on Istio service mesh. - OpenTelemetry Traces:
All services are instrumented using OpenTelemetry available instrumentation libraries. - OpenTelemetry Collector:
All services are instrumented and sending the generated traces to the OpenTelemetry Collector via gRPC. The received traces are then exported to the logs and to Jaeger. - Jager:
All generated traces are being sent to Jaeger. - Skaffold:
Application is deployed to Kubernetes with a single command using Skaffold. - Synthetic Load Generation:
The application demo comes with a background job that creates realistic usage patterns on the website using Locust load generator.
If you would like to contribute features or fixes to this app, see the Development Guide on how to build this demo locally.
Check out Google's Demos featuring Online Boutique
This is not an official Google project.