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Qless-based crawl jobs, and gevent-based crawling. Hot damn!

Status: Production Team: Big Data Scope: External Open Source: Yes Critical: Yes


Installation in the typical way:

sudo python install

This installs, aside from the library itself, reppy, urllib3, requests and gevent. In addition to these, you'll have to install qless-py manually until it is released on pip:

git clone git://
cd qless-py
sudo python install

Until you need to run qless jobs, you won't need it, but when that day inevitably comes, you'll need Redis 2.6. Unfortunately, Redis 2.6 has been delayed, and is still only available as an unstable release. NOTE: You only need Redis 2.6 installed on the system where you'll be hosting the queue. This may or may not be the same system where you'll be running your crawlers:

git clone git://
cd redis
git checkout 2.6
make && make test && sudo make install


There's mostly one class that you have to worry about subclassing: gcrawl.Crawl. It provides a few methods that you're encouraged to override in subclasses:

def before(self):
	# This method gets executed before the crawl loop, in case you need it

def after(self):
	# Before's counterpart, exucted right before returning from `run()`

def delay(self, page):
	# Return how many seconds to wait before sending the next request in this crawl

def pop(self):
	# Return the next url to fetch

def extend(self, urls, page):
	# These urls were discovered in response. Pick, choose, add to your list
	# Response is the `requests.Response` object returned, urls is a list of
	# string urls

def got(self, page):
	# We've fetched a page. You should decide what requests to add

def count(self, page):
	# Should this page count against the max_pages count?

A Crawl object also has a method run(), which performs the crawl in a non-blocking way in a greenlet, and returns a list of results from the crawl (determined by the dump() method in the class). The run() method first fetches the seed url, finds links, and then provides them to you to decide if you want to follow them.

Many of these methods accept a page argument. That's a Page object, which has some helpful lazily-loaded attributes:

  • page.content -- raw HTML message, decoded and decompressed

  • page.html -- an etree of the HTML

  • page.xml -- an etree of the XML

  • page.redireciton -- redirection location (through a 301, 302, 303, 307 or Refresh header)

  • page.links -- returns a two-element dictionary, which each value a list of links. This takes into account not only the 'nofollow' attribute of the links themselves, but also any meta robots on the page.

    { 'follow': [...], 'nofollow': [...] }


Hot damn! You can run it striaght from the interpreter (go ahead -- try it out):

>>> from gcrawl import Crawl
>>> c = Crawl('')

This is probably a good way to debug for development. When it comes time to run the thing in production, you'll want to have qless (which amounts to having Redis 2.6 installed) on a server somewhere, and then invoke qless-py-worker (included with qless-py), which will:

  1. Fork itself and make use of multiple cores on your machine, and manages the child processes. If child processes exit, it spawns replacements.
  2. Each process spawns a pool of greenlets to run crawls in a non-blocking way

The details of the invocation can be discussed further.


Gevent Crawling in Python, with Utilities







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