Utility repo is for any useful script, code, etc. Current utility projects are
- appMan: Wrapper for any process. It is possible to kill, start, stop, see memory usage etc. Remote scripting is possible.
How to use : Set your UNIQUE application name and other parameters to config.sh. Then run the script with parameters shown below. Can be used for Apache Tomcat, Gunicorn etc. or any running process. Start editing the parameters at config.sh. Have fun.
Sample Execution
./appMan.sh "command name" "config file path"
./appMan.sh start myconfig.sh
command name short explanation
start s runs the START_SCRIPT parameter
stop p runs the STOP_SCRIPT parameter
kill k kills ALL process with APP_NAME parameter
tail t tails the LOG_FILE_PATH parameter
check c shows pid, memory etc with APP_NAME param.
deploywar w deploys war. see WAR_FILE_PATH parameter
deploydir d deploys dir. see NEW_RELEASE_DIRECTORY param.
backup b backups app. see BACKUP_DIRECTORY param.
custom m calls your custom function.
appMan.sh start config.sh > start application
appMan.sh s config.sh > start application
appMan.sh tail config.sh > tail the log file
appMan.sh st config.sh > start app. and tail the log file
appMan.sh wst config.sh > deploy war, start app, tail log
appMan.sh kbwst config.sh > kill, backup, deploy war, start, tail
appMan.sh help config.sh > show help
./appMan.sh check myconfig.sh
Enter y/n to execute script for tomcat@server01?y
Server: tomcat@server01
mytomcatapp is running!
PID Mem Usage VSZ Mem% CPU%
27519 792 MB 3317 MB 6.6 2.8
Enter y/n to execute script for tomcat@server02?n
tomcat@server02 skipped.
Edit the config.sh, all parameters are explained at AppMan.sh's README
# "mytomcatapp"
# /home/user/mytomcatapp/bin/startup.sh"
# "/home/user/mytomcatapp/bin/shutdown.sh"
# "/home/user/mytomcatapp/logs/catalina.out"
# "/home/user/mytomcatapp/webapp/ROOT"
# "/home/user/mytomcatapp/webapp/temp/release"
# "/home/user/mytomcatapp/temp/myapp.war"
# "/home/user/mytomcatapp/temp/backup/"
# "user1@server1;user2@server2;userN@serverN"
# Default is user's home, leave it blank for default
# cp database.properties $RUNNING_APP_DIRECTORY/classes/
function custom() {
echo "custom function started..."
# Code anything you wish...
# copy database.properties, set environment parameters etc..
echo "custom function ended."