Javascript interface for Ultimatron battery BMS via BLE. Using node-ble under the hood. Allows getting battery information update and managing charge and discharge statuses.
The simplest way is to scan for all devices without duplicates:
sudo hcitool -i hci0 lescan | head -n 100 | sort -u
Battery would have a name like '12100AE2100111'.
// discover all battery instances, timing out scan after 60 seconds
const batteries = await UltimatronBattery.findAll(60000)
// discover up to 3 batterries or timing out scan after 60 seconds
const batteries = await UltimatronBattery.findAll(60000, 3)
// Find a specific battery by name
const battery = await UltimatronBattery.forName('12100AE2100111')
// Use battery in a shared mode, so status polling will disconnect
// between updates and won't exlusively keep the BLE connection
// Also sets interval between updates to 5 minutes
const battery = await UltimatronBattery.forName('12100AE2100111', true, 60000, 5*60*1000)
// Subscribes on battery state updates
// Updates happen periodically even if state remains the same
battery.onStateUpdate((state: BatteryState) => {
console.log(`Battery state updated to ${state}`)
// enable discharging
await battery.toggleDischarging(true)
// get cached state and voltage
console.log("Battery state:", battery.getState())
// release the BLE connection of the device
If the battery disconnects immediatly after BLE connection was established it might require increasing BLE timesouts (for HCI0 device):
$ sudo sh -c "/bin/echo 100 > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/hci0/conn_max_interval"^C
$ sudo sh -c "/bin/echo 99 > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/hci0/conn_latency"
$ sudo sh -c "/bin/echo 10 > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/hci0/conn_min_interval"