Artificial Intelligence for the game Go-Moku using the Minimax Algorithm with Alpha-Beta Pruning
24-bit ANSI colored, console-based chess engine using Java. Optional multi-threaded AI using Minimax with alpha-beta pruning. Fully configurable properties including: ply depth, thread pool size, o…
This is a simple chess game written in Java
Mancala Historical, West African Strategy Game Written in Rust
A simple implementation of classic Snake game in SDL2
Tic Tac Toe Game implementation in x86 Assembly
Implementation of Conway's game of life in NASM
1v1 graphical game written in qt
A Free/Libre and Open Source Software Qt based Minesweeper game available for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and Windows systems.
A Roguelike game. Uses Javascript primarily. Enjoy!
A strong javascript chess engine using WebWorkers
Dune II - The Building of A Dynasty reimplementation written in HTML5 / JavaScript
Nebulus reimplementation written in HTML5 / JavaScript
Tutorial for building a Snake game with Scenic to teach Elixir.