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Clean Data


  • the files (activity_labels.txt, features.txt) have to be in the same workspace with the run_analysis.R
  • two folder test and train need to be in same workspace with the script file
  • library reshape2 and plyr installed

How run_analysis script work

  • Collect the information of activity labels and features (activity_labels.txt, features.txt)

  • Get data from test folder:

    • collect data from test/subject_test.txt using read.table, set column name as subjects
    • collect data from test/X_test.txt using read.table, set column names as featureNames [features.txt]
      • take subset of the features data by checking features name contains mean or std words
      • write down the origin feature names [meanAndStdFeatures.txt] to help users to map back to the origin data because set column names in R have filter out all special characters.
    • collect data from test/y_test.txt using read.table, set column names as activities
      • convert the activity codes into activity label
        • convert activity codes to numeric
        • Using the numeric as index to get correct label
    • combind all data by column
  • Get data from train folder:

    • collect data from train/subject_train.txt using read.table, set column name as subjects
    • collect data from train/X_train.txt using read.table, set column names as featureNames [features.txt]
      • take subset of the features data by checking features name contains mean or std words
      • write down the origin feature names [meanAndStdFeatures.txt] to help users to map back to the origin data because set column names in R have filter out all special characters.
    • collect data from train/y_train.txt using read.table, set column names as activities
      • convert the activity codes into activity label
        • convert activity codes to numeric
        • Using the numeric as index to get correct label
    • combind all data by column
  • Combind test and train data by row

  • Write tidyData

  • Create data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.

    • reshape data by using melt on activities and subjects
    • for each activity and subject, apply mean on the value column
    • write down the result in averageMovementByActivityAndSubject.txt


Clean data course







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