本代码在 https://github.com/paceaux/xlsx-to-json 的基础上进行更改
- 增加对数据类型的处理,当前从第4行开始读取数据
目前支持的类型有:number/int, float, array/list, boolean/bool, string, object
- 支持整表导出和按sheet导出
- 本次修改基于自身项目需求更改,若无法满足其他项目,还望自行修改。
Using Python, convert an Excel (xlsx or xls) document to JSON
- pylightxl
- xlrd
you can run pip3 install pylightxl xlrd
in your terminal/command window if you don't have these dependencies installed
- Run the command
python3 xlstojson.py
in your terminal/command window - Do what the prompt says (which is enter the path to the file)
A .json file matching the name of your xlsx document will be generated.
I wrote this six years ago; it was the first thing I'd ever written in Python. This code was written about as well as a non-Python programmer programming Python could write it.
I have made attempts to improve it, but I may still not know what I'm doing