CainCamera is an Android Project to learn about development of beauty camera, image and short video
Numpy & PyTorch implementation of three algorithms of image deformation using moving least squares.
An implementation of High Pass Skin Smoothing using Apple's Core Image Framework
Demos related to OpenGL, Qt/QML, OpenCV and other X technologies.
Code repository of all OpenGL chapters from the book and its accompanying website
A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input
Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
Android real-time display control software
A conformant OpenGL ES implementation for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.
Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
类似GPUImage的开源跨平台的GPU处理图片及视频库(An cross-platform open source framework for GPU-based image and video processing like GPUImage)
MNN is a blazing fast, lightweight deep learning framework, battle-tested by business-critical use cases in Alibaba. Full multimodal LLM Android App:[MNN-LLM-Android](./apps/Android/MnnLlmChat/READ…
DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps
OpenGL text using one vertex buffer, one texture and FreeType
Text-rendering library written in C++ for OpenGL 3.3, using FreeType 2.
C++ version the delaunay triangulation
Implementation of "Image Deformation Using Moving Least Squares" in C++ (OpenGL / OpenCV)
High-performance moving least squares material point method (MLS-MPM) solver. (ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2018)
Shadertoy-like live preview for GLSL shaders in Visual Studio Code