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Carbon is a lightweight indexing framework on Solana. It provides a modular pipeline for sourcing data, decoding updates and processing them in order to build end-to-end indexers.



The core of the framework. It orchestrates data flow from data sources through indexing pipes.


A consumable datasource that will provide updates to the pipeline. These can either be AccountUpdate, TransactionUpdate or AccountDeletion.


Process specific updates:

  • Account Pipes handle account updates. Each contains an AccountDecoder and a Processor.
  • Account Deletion Pipes handle account deletions. Each contains a Processor.
  • Instruction Pipes handle transaction updates, instruction by instruction. Each contains an InstructionDecoder and a Processor.
  • Transaction Pipes handle transaction updates, after schema-matching the whole transaction. Each contains a Schema and a Processor.


Collect and report on pipeline performance and operational data.

Our premade metrics crates assist with common use cases:

Crate Name Description Ease of Setup
carbon-log-metrics Logs useful program info to the terminal Easy
carbon-prometheus-metrics Provides a way of exporting default and custom metrics to a Prometheus server Medium


Basic Setup

use carbon_core::pipeline::Pipeline;
use carbon_rpc_block_subscribe_datasource::{RpcBlockSubscribe, Filters};
use solana_client::{
    rpc_config::{RpcBlockSubscribeConfig, RpcBlockSubscribeFilter},
use crate::{
    MyAccountDecoder, MyAccountProcessor,
    MyInstructionDecoder, MyInstructionProcessor,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let pipeline = Pipeline::builder()
                Filters::new(RpcBlockSubscribeFilter::MentionsAccountOrProgram(env::var("MY_PROGRAM_ID")?), None)
        .instruction(MyInstructionDecoder::new(), MyInstructionProcessor)


Generating Decoders from IDL

Decoders implementations allow the pipeline to input raw account or instruction data and to receive deserialized account or instruction data. They are the backbone of indexing with Carbon.

Carbon provides a CLI tool to generate decoders based on IDL files (Anchor, Codama) or from a provided program address with a network specified to fetch an on-chain PDA IDL. This can significantly speed up the process of creating custom decoders for your Solana programs.

CLI Installation

You can install the Carbon CLI by downloading the pre-built binary for your operating system:

curl -LO
chmod +x carbon-cli-linux-amd64
sudo mv carbon-cli-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/carbon-cli
curl -LO
chmod +x carbon-cli-macos-amd64
sudo mv carbon-cli-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/carbon-cli
  1. Download the latest release from
  2. Rename the downloaded file to carbon-cli.exe
  3. Move the file to a directory in your PATH

Alternatively, you can build from source using Cargo:

cargo install --git carbon-cli

CLI Usage

$ carbon-cli parse [OPTIONS] --idl <IDL> --output <OUTPUT>


  • -i, --idl <IDL>: Path to an IDL json file or a Solana program address.
  • -o, --output <OUTPUT>: Path to the desired output directory.
  • -c, --as-crate: Generate a directory or a crate.
  • -s, --standard: Specify the IDL standard to parse. Default: 'anchor' if not specified..
  • -e, --event-hints: Comma-separated names of defined types to parse as CPI Events (for '--standard codama' option only).
  • -u, --url: Network URL to fetch the IDL from. Required if input is a program address.
  • -h, --help: Print help information.


  1. To generate a decoder from an Anchor IDL file:
$ carbon-cli parse --idl my_program.json --output ./src/decoders

This will parse the my_program.json Anchor IDL file and generate the corresponding decoder code in the ./src/decoders directory.

  1. To generate a decoder from an Anchor PDA IDL, specify a program address (Meteora DLMM program in this case):
$ carbon-cli parse --idl LBUZKhRxPF3XUpBCjp4YzTKgLccjZhTSDM9YuVaPwxo -u mainnet-beta --output ./src/decoders

This will fetch Meteora DLMM program's IDL from chain and generate the corresponding decoder code in the ./src/decoders directory.

  1. To generate a decoder from a Codama IDL:
$ carbon-cli parse --idl my_program_codama.json --output ./src/decoders --standard codama

This will parse the my_program_codama.json Codama IDL file and generate the corresponding decoder code in the ./src/decoders directory.

Note: in order to parse CPI Events for a provided Codama IDL, add --event-hints option with comma-separated names of corresponding defined Codama types:

$ carbon-cli parse --idl my_program_codama.json --output ./src/decoders --standard codama --event-hints event1,event2,event3

Implementing Processors

use carbon_core::account::{AccountDecoder, AccountMetadata, AccountProcessorInputType, DecodedAccount};
use crate::MyCustomAccountData;

struct MyAccountProcessor;

impl Processor for MyAccountProcessor {
    type InputType = AccountProcessorInputType<MyCustomAccountData>;

    async fn process(
        &mut self,
        input: Self::InputType,
        metrics: Arc<MetricsCollection>,
    ) -> CarbonResult<()> {
        // Implement processing logic

Implementing a Datasource

For most use cases, we recommend choosing from one of our datasource crates:

Crate Name Description Affordability Ease of Setup
carbon-block-subscribe Uses blockSubscribe with Solana WS JSON RPC to listen to real-time on-chain transactions Cheap (just RPC) Easy
carbon-program-subscribe Uses programSubscribe with Solana WS JSON RPC to listen to real-time on-chain account updates Cheap (just RPC) Easy
carbon-transaction-crawler Crawls historical successful transactions for a specific address in reverse chronological order using Solana JSON RPC Cheap (just RPC) Easy
carbon-helius-atlas-ws Utilizes Helius Geyser-enhanced WebSocket for streaming account and transaction updates Medium (Helius Plan) Medium
carbon-yellowstone-grpc Subscribes to a Yellowstone gRPC Geyser plugin enhanced full node to stream account and transaction updates Expensive (Geyser Fullnode) Complex

You can still implement custom datasources in the following manner:

use carbon_core::datasource::{Datasource, Update, UpdateType};

struct MyDataSource;

impl Datasource for MyDataSource {
    async fn consume(
        sender: &tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<Update>,
        cancellation_token: CancellationToken,
    ) -> CarbonResult<()> {
        // Implement data fetching and sending logic

    fn update_types(&self) -> Vec<UpdateType> {
        vec![UpdateType::AccountUpdate, UpdateType::Transaction]

Available Program Decoders

Decoders for most popular Solana programs are published and maintained:

Crate Name Description Program ID
carbon-drift-v2-decoder Drift V2 Program Decoder dRiftyHA39MWEi3m9aunc5MzRF1JYuBsbn6VPcn33UH
carbon-fluxbeam-decoder Fluxbeam Program Decoder FLUXubRmkEi2q6K3Y9kBPg9248ggaZVsoSFhtJHSrm1X
carbon-jupiter-dca-decoder Jupiter DCA Program Decoder DCA265Vj8a9CEuX1eb1LWRnDT7uK6q1xMipnNyatn23M
carbon-jupiter-limit-order-decoder Jupiter Limit Order Program Decoder jupoNjAxXgZ4rjzxzPMP4oxduvQsQtZzyknqvzYNrNu
carbon-jupiter-limit-order-2-decoder Jupiter Limit Order 2 Program Decoder j1o2qRpjcyUwEvwtcfhEQefh773ZgjxcVRry7LDqg5X
carbon-jupiter-perpetuals-decoder Jupiter Perpetuals Program Decoder PERPHjGBqRHArX4DySjwM6UJHiR3sWAatqfdBS2qQJu
carbon-jupiter-swap-decoder Jupiter Swap Program Decoder JUP6LkbZbjS1jKKwapdHNy74zcZ3tLUZoi5QNyVTaV4
carbon-kamino-lending-decoder Kamino Lend Decoder KLend2g3cP87fffoy8q1mQqGKjrxjC8boSyAYavgmjD
carbon-kamino-vault-decoder Kamino Vault Decoder kvauTFR8qm1dhniz6pYuBZkuene3Hfrs1VQhVRgCNrr
carbon-lifinity-amm-v2-decoder Lifinity AMM V2 Program Decoder 2wT8Yq49kHgDzXuPxZSaeLaH1qbmGXtEyPy64bL7aD3c
carbon-memo-program-decoder SPL Memo Program Decoder Memo1UhkJRfHyvLMcVucJwxXeuD728EqVDDwQDxFMNo
carbon-meteora-dlmm-decoder Meteora DLMM Program Decoder LBUZKhRxPF3XUpBCjp4YzTKgLccjZhTSDM9YuVaPwxo
carbon-moonshot-decoder Moonshot Program Decoder MoonCVVNZFSYkqNXP6bxHLPL6QQJiMagDL3qcqUQTrG
carbon-mpl-core-decoder MPL Core Program Decoder CoREENxT6tW1HoK8ypY1SxRMZTcVPm7R94rH4PZNhX7d
carbon-mpl-token-metadata-decoder MPL Token Metadata Program Decoder metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s
carbon-name-service-decoder SPL Name Service Program Decoder namesLPneVptA9Z5rqUDD9tMTWEJwofgaYwp8cawRkX
carbon-okx-dex-decoder OKX DEX Decoder 6m2CDdhRgxpH4WjvdzxAYbGxwdGUz5MziiL5jek2kBma
carbon-openbook-v2-decoder Openbook V2 Program Decoder opnb2LAfJYbRMAHHvqjCwQxanZn7ReEHp1k81EohpZb
carbon-orca-whirlpool-decoder Orca Whirlpool Program Decoder whirLbMiicVdio4qvUfM5KAg6Ct8VwpYzGff3uctyCc
carbon-phoenix-v1-decoder Phoenix V1 Program Decoder PhoeNiXZ8ByJGLkxNfZRnkUfjvmuYqLR89jjFHGqdXY
carbon-pumpfun-decoder Pumpfun Program Decoder 6EF8rrecthR5Dkzon8Nwu78hRvfCKubJ14M5uBEwF6P
carbon-raydium-amm-v4-decoder Raydium AMM V4 Program Decoder 675kPX9MHTjS2zt1qfr1NYHuzeLXfQM9H24wFSUt1Mp8
carbon-raydium-clmm-decoder Raydium CLMM Program Decoder CAMMCzo5YL8w4VFF8KVHrK22GGUsp5VTaW7grrKgrWqK
carbon-raydium-cpmm-decoder Raydium CPMM Program Decoder CPMMoo8L3F4NbTegBCKVNunggL7H1ZpdTHKxQB5qKP1C
carbon-raydium-liquidity-locking-decoder Raydium Liquidity Locking Program Decoder LockrWmn6K5twhz3y9w1dQERbmgSaRkfnTeTKbpofwE
carbon-sharky-decoder SharkyFi Decoder SHARKobtfF1bHhxD2eqftjHBdVSCbKo9JtgK71FhELP
carbon-spl-associated-token-account-decoder Associated Token Account Decoder ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL
carbon-stabble-stable-swap-decoder Stabble Stable Swap Decoder swapNyd8XiQwJ6ianp9snpu4brUqFxadzvHebnAXjJZ
carbon-stabble-weighted-swap-decoder Stabble Weighted Swap Decoder swapFpHZwjELNnjvThjajtiVmkz3yPQEHjLtka2fwHW
carbon-system-program-decoder System Program Decoder 11111111111111111111111111111111
carbon-token-2022-decoder Token 2022 Program Decoder TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb
carbon-token-program-decoder Token Program Decoder TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA
carbon-zeta-decoder Zeta Program Decoder ZETAxsqBRek56DhiGXrn75yj2NHU3aYUnxvHXpkf3aD


TODO: use cargo test instead, after fixing doc tests

cargo test -p carbon-moonshot-decoder


We are under the MIT license.