Fast and minimal speedcubing timer written in Qt.
- Written using C++ and Qt so it's blazingly fast
- Code is open and minimal so anyone can work on it
- User Interface made of dock widgets which provides opportunities for customisation
- The ability to load and save solving sessions on the disk
- It is Libre/Free software under the GPL v3 License
- Does not spy on you
- You can use it on both Windows and Linux
- Supports 32-bit Windows machines so you can use it on older hardware
- Scramble generator included
- Scramble previewer included
Go to the Release page of this project and grab 'opentimer-installer-x86.exe' file, open it and follow the instructions.
On Arch based distributions you can just download it from the AUR. For example if you're using yay:
yay -S opentimer
- Qt5
- make
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Change working directory
cd opentimer
- Configure and compile:
qmake -config release
- Run opentimer: