Purpose of this application is to playback video streams from content providers such as Amazon Prime.
The current state of this project is a proof-of-concept with a fully working video playback from Amazon Prime on Linux desktop PCs. Currently no other content provider than Amazon Prime is supported. No advanced features such as subtitles or seeking to a certain time in the video stream is currently supported. Video Rendering on ARM devices, especially the Raspberry Pi 3 is prepared, but not working fully due to performance issues.
Testing was mainly done on Manjaro Linux/Arch Linux which is also the recommended distro for installation. On the Raspberry Pi 3 Arch Linux and Raspbian where used.
- Python3 (packages: lxml, beautifulsoup4, requests, MechanicalSoup, pyCrypto)
- Python2 (packages: mechanize, beautifulsoup4)
- libav
- libcurl4
- SDL2 (MMAL and ALSA on the Pi)
# basic build tools and utility
sudo pacman -S cmake git gcc wget tar
# dependencies
sudo pacman -S python python2 python-lxml
sudo pacman -S python-pip && sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo sudo pacman -S python2-pip && sudo pip2 install mechanize bs4
sudo pacman -S nss # required by libwidevinecdm.so
# ffmpeg (libav)
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
# SDL2
sudo pacman -S sdl2
git clone <repo-url>
# Get and build dependencies
cd widevine_adapter/lib
# download widevine cdm
# Clone and build Bento4 library
# Note the master branch is always tested/used
git clone https://github.com/sg-dev1/Bento4.git
cd Bento4
mkdir cmakebuild
cd cmakebuild
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j 4
# Build the library
cd ../../../wvAdapter/lib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4
# Build and install the python extension
cd ../../..
sudo python setup.py install
$> cd frontend
# fetch information for a certain season of a series
$> ./prime_video_cli https://www.amazon.de/gp/video/detail/B00ET0K3MM/ref=atv_dp
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:05 AM] Using amazon url: https://www.amazon.de/gp/video/detail/B00ET0K3MM/ref=atv_dp
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 1. Initiationsriten: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00FGLE0TK,B00FGLEDHE, title=1. Initiationsriten, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 2. Der Zorn der Wikinger: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00ERM8MI4,B00ERM8L94, title=2. Der Zorn der Wikinger, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 3. Enteignet: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00ET4LQE2,B00ET4LPNO, title=3. Enteignet, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 4. Der Prozess: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00ETB4KQQ,B00ETB4IAY, title=4. Der Prozess, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 5. Der Überfall: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00ERJ81J2,B00ERJ7X3M, title=5. Der Überfall, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 6. Das Begräbnis: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00ERM7618,B00ERM77N0, title=6. Das Begräbnis, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 7. Ein Vermögen: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00EWIXHSI,B00EWIXH9C, title=7. Ein Vermögen, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 8. Das Opfer: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00ESV6NF8,B00ESV6OIO, title=8. Das Opfer, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM] 9. Veränderungen: [AmazonMovieEntry] asin=B00EVB2UN4,B00EVB2W96, title=9. Veränderungen, imgUrl=, synopsisText=, synopsisDict={}
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:32:07 AM]
# e.g. select "1. Initiationsriten" with ASIN 'B00FGLE0TK'
$> ./prime_video_cli B00FGLE0TK
[ INFO: 01/26/2019 11:33:24 AM] Launching rendering script for ASIN B00FGLE0TK
Press CTRL+C to quit program.
Enter command ('d' ... print diagnostics,
's' ... stop playback,
'r' ... resume playback,
CTRL + C to quit)
Main usage of this application is via its command line interface found in frontend/. Python3 is required to run this application.
- After first start your Amazon credentials will be requested
- These will be stored in settings.json s.t. that have not be typed in again the next time
$ ./prime_video_cli -h
# help output
Usage: prime_video_cli.py [options] url|asin
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r RES, --resolution=RES
Choose desired resolution, default is '1920x1080'
(full hd)
-a REP, --audio-rep=REP
Select audio representation in the format
'audioAdaptionSet:representation', e.g. '0:0' (use the
'-p' option to get these indices)
-v REP, --video-rep=REP
Select video representation in the format
'representation', e.g. '0' (use the '-p' option to get
this index)
-p, --print-resolutions
Just print available audio/video resolutions an then
-d, --delete-dumpdir Deletes the file dump directory under
/tmp/widevineadapter which is used when no video/audio
rendering is implemented.
-s FILE_TYPE, --save-remotefile=FILE_TYPE
Save a remote file: use 'v' for video, 'a' for audio,
or 'b' for both
Run the following to get setup of Raspbian:
sudo su
# basic build tools and utility
apt-get install cmake git gcc screen
# dependencies
# (1) python stuff
apt-get install python3-bs4 python3-requests python3-crypto python3-mechanicalsoup python3-pip python3-lxml
pip3 install MechanicalSoup
# (2) ffmpeg (libav)
apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev
# (3) libcurl4 (also includes libnss3-dev dependency)
apt-get install libcurl4-nss-dev
# (4) Fix issue with linker not working due to libEGL named libbrcmEGL and same for libGLESv2
cd /opt/vc/lib
ln -s libbrcmEGL.so libEGL.so
ln -s libbrcmGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so
Then follow the main build instructions.