The Rockefeller University
- New York, NY
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriela-ssilva-santos/
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7482-7380
- @gbrl_s
GCtree: phylogenetic inference of genotype-collapsed trees
Friends don't let friends make certain types of data visualization - What are they and why are they bad.
Tools to process and analyze deep sequencing data.
Chromatin interaction aware gene regulatory modeling with graph attention networks
HIV-1 Envelope Sequence Resistance Predictor to 33 Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies
Continuous saving of tmux environment. Automatic restore when tmux is started. Automatic tmux start when computer is turned on.
Oh my tmux! My self-contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with 💛🩷💙🖤❤️🤍
deepStats: a stastitical toolbox for deeptools and genomic signals
Jupyter notebook based genomic data visualization toolkit.
Data Visualization with Python
🧬 gget enables efficient querying of genomic reference databases
Prediction of key transcription factors in cell fate determination using enhancer networks. See full ANANSE documentation for detailed installation instructions and usage examples.
server for storage and management of singularity images
📍 Repel overlapping text labels away from each other in your ggplot2 figures.
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python…
The geom you always wished for adding cats to ggplot2
The geom you always wished for adding dogs to ggplot2
UCSC Genome Browser source tree. Stable branch: "beta".
An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib