For this homework assignment, I created a weather app that utilizes the OpenWeather API to search for a specific city and return weather data, including a 5 day forecast, for that city.
The user is greeted with a starting web page that asks them to enter a city in a search box. Below the search box is a list of past searches. If no past searches exist, then the user will see a default message in that space.
Once the user searches for a city, if the search is successful, it is immediately added to the list of past searches. The user will see a page with the current conditions, including a small icon representing those conditions, in the main content section under a header with the city name and the date. The user will see temperature, humidity, wind speed, and the UV index with a color code indicating how safe the UV level is for that day.
Below the main content section with the current conditions, the user will see a 5 day forecast complete with dates, a small icon representing predicted conditions on that day, the temperature and the humidity for that day.
If the user wants to clear the list of past searches, there is a clear button for that purpose. Once clicked, it will immediately remove items from the list and take the user back to the start page.
I utilized jQuery, Bootstrap, moment.js, and the OpenWeather API for this project.
- Utilized HTML and Bootstrap to create a page with placeholders to insert data and a form to gather user input.
- Researched and implemented the OpenWeather Geocoding API to get latitude/longitude coordinates for user queries
- Researched and implemented the OpenWeather One Call API to get current and forecast weather data
- Implemented error handling to display a page if the API cannot locate data for the user input
- Utilized jQuery to gather user input and to dynamically generate the page
- Utilized moment.js to handle date formatting from API data
- Wrote displayStart() to generate a starter page
- Wrote showResults() to search both API's and call supporting functions to display page from API data
- displayToday() and displayForecast() create content for the current conditions and the forecast, display to page
- Created addPastSearch(), displaySearches(), and clearPastSearches() to store, retrieve, display and erase past searches from local storage
- Created getDate to quickly format dates using moment.js
- Created alreadySaved() to check local storage object for search so that it isn't entered twice
See the deployed project by following this link: See the code repository here: